Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,117

if I could keep my grades up.”

“That’s good because I think I’m going to need you around, as if you didn’t know I’m in rough shape.” I sighed sadly.

“I know Corrine, I will do all I can to help you don’t worry. So, I had a boyfriend named Kyle we started dating a few months in to my freshman year. He was good-looking, smart, and super rich. I came from dirt-poor family; I only got into BU, on a scholarship. I hate to admit this but I kind of figured if I stayed with Kyle, I would have a really comfortable life, and never have to worry about money again.” She shook her head. “I was a gold digger I guess, back then anyway.”

“Was Kyle nice to you?”

“In the beginning he was, he did the whole romance thing. I got flowers and gifts the whole nine yards you know. Then after the summer, when we were going in to our sophomore year, he changed, like big time. He started drinking, got in to drugs, and hung out with these Goth kids on campus that nobody wanted to be around. They were like into devil worship, I heard or something like that.

I tried to break up with him but he wouldn’t leave me alone. Then he dropped out of school or rather he was kicked out. His grades were so bad and he never went to classes anymore.”

“Did you tell anybody he was psycho?” I pulled the scratchy wool blanket up around my neck as the wind howled outside. The description sounded like Todd, he changed too when we got further into our college time.

“I told one friend, she gave me the number to a teen counselor but I was too embarrassed to call the lady, I wish I had now though! Kyle started to slap me a lot when I did not do exactly as he wanted, and he yelled at me all the time. He hung out at this club, where I swear I heard at school that devil worshiping went on, he got pissed when I refused to go there with him.”

“So did he change you, was he the one?

“Yes, he was the one who did it. I had gone to a movie with him. I didn’t want to but he wouldn’t shut up about it. He told me when we got out of the movies he needed to talk to me alone about his drug problem, he wanted to stop and get help. I of course being way to trusting fell for it and went back to his uncle’s place where he had been living.

It was all a set up, he started to kiss me, and the next thing I knew I was in pain, my hand tied and in a dark room alone. I don’t know how long it went on, but finally the pain stopped, but I didn’t feel like myself. Kyle and some of the other Dark coven members came in and told me I was now one of them, a vampire. I was in shock. I never even thought they were real. I cried for days.” She stopped short suddenly, as a thought that obviously terrified her came across her mind.

“What is it Sayann, what happened next?”

“The coven’s chief elder and his side kick came into see me. Leo and Vincent, I was terrified of them, their eyes were so cold, like they were pure evil. They told me I would stop behaving as a human, with all the crying. I was to learn their rules and live as they did, or they would kill me. I apparently was Kyle’s chosen bonding partner, or mate they said. Kyle had chosen me and I would be with him forever as a vampire.”

“I’m so sorry, that’s awful for him to do that to you.” I reached out my hand to her, she took it, we had an understanding now. I didn’t want to be here, and neither did she.

“I’m dealing, it’s hard, but you can’t escape the Dark coven. I have talked to others here, mainly the few women of the coven. Most have been made members against their will, like me. Not one has ever escaped and lived to tell about it. They tell me after awhile you just get use to it and you start to forget your human life, and all the things you loved.”

“That’s so tragic. I don’t see how you forget, and we all know vampires have insanely good memories!”

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