Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,118

I squeezed her hand gently.

I could feel how much cooler her skin was compared to mine. That made me sad, because I was now slowly dying again, a human death. If I didn’t get that serum soon all the progress I made would be gone, and I would be gone.

“Did you really want to be a vampire, or… I mean do you. I heard the story of you and William from the other coven women; they think your William is the greatest thing since sliced bread!” She smiled.

“Yes, did they tell you how sick I was, or am really… I guess?” I rested my head on my knees feeling very tired suddenly.

“Yes, and I am so sorry. Your story though, how devoted to each other you and William are, it gives me hope. I think about getting away from here and finding someone to love, and love me back. I just don’t know though. I’m a stinking vampire. I wish I was a half blood as you and William are!”

“I’m neither really Sayann, not yet and maybe not ever. I don’t know what they told you, but it’s bad, really bad for me right now. A friend of Doc’s, Dr. Pratt discovered a serum that has been saving my life to this point. It’s making me stronger so I can finish changing into a half blood. I will die without it.

My human illness will take over my body and kill me in a matter of days. This kidnapping deal is going to be the death of me; they won’t have live bait for long, as Todd put it!” I looked away, as tears escaped my eyes. I didn’t bother to wipe them away.

“Oh… Corrine. I didn’t know that! What can I do? Is there anything I can give you to keep you strong until your coven comes for you?” I looked back at her, tears streaming from my eyes, I smile.

“I wish there was, but the only thing that can save me is to get back to Doc and Pratt and get more of the serum, nothing else will help me. I can feel myself getting weaker just as we sit here. It’s so strange really, to feel yourself dying. It’s like a thief robbing me of all the life I have left in me, but I can’t see him.”

“God I hate this coven, they are insane, why they want to fight the Followers I can never understand, and to take it out on you and William. It makes me sick, it really does! I have heard nothing else since I have been in this coven, but how disgraceful the Followers are, just because they choose not to hunt and kill humans.” She shook her head in degust

“If it’s not to personal Sayann, what do you um… eat then?” I grimaced a bit, but it was a logical question to ask. She looked nervously around the room, and then at the door.

“Please do not tell anyone this or I will be killed.” She looked into my red watery eyes to confirm my promise of silence.

“I would never tell anyone anything, I promise you!” I sniffed as my nose was running.

“I sneak out at night and eat rabbits and things like that. I love animals, so it makes me sad to do it, but I can’t kill humans. I will not ever do it again. They made me hunt with them, in the early days of my vampire life. I only killed twice and have never forgiven myself for it to this day! It is all I can do to hide the fact I do not kill humans as they all do. The punishment it they should find out about this, would be death, they would burn me alive.”

“Oh Sayann, you have to leave here. You could go to Doc and the Followers, many of them are reformed hunters. William himself as you know was of the Dark coven once, until he ran away. Doc would welcome you, he accepts all vampires who have a high regard for human life, and want to live without harming innocent humans.” I felt dizzy, as I lay down slowly. Sayann, with her heightened vampire senses knew before I did that I was about to pass out.

“Lay back… that’s it Corrine. You have to rest now, we’ve talked to long I’m sorry I have worn you out.” She frowned as she tucked another blanket around my shivering body.

“No, I’m glad we talked. I feel better

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