Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,116

I was terrified of the chief elder Leo, coming to have me for a snack. I felt a gentle hand on my forehead, and a heavy wool blanket put over me. I was thankful for that, as I shook. I was too scared to open my eyes and see who had done this.

“Corrine? Can you hear me?” A light soft female voice cut the rooms silence. “I’m Sayann I am here to help you. I was studying to be a nurse before I was changed.”

I slowly opened my eyes, to see a young Asian girl hovering over me. It looked like she was my age. Her long shiny black hair fell down around her shoulders as she looked at me. Her face was as pale as mine was, but her features were delicate, like a china doll. I wondered why she was in here, and if she was going to have me for a snack.

“I m here to help you, are you in any pain?” I could see she was genuinely concerned as she looked at me. I was not sure if she meant to hurt me or help me. I tried to sit up but I could barely move. I needed help to sit up. I felt so sick, and had so much pressure on my lungs.

“Let me help you, turn over on your side.” I had no choice but to let her touch me. I was sinking fast. I could feel her pull me up and turn me on my side. I could feel the air in my lungs moving easier now. Clearly she knew what she was doing, and meant me no real harm…for now at least.

“Thank you so much.” I sighed. “Why are you being so kind to me?” I laid my head back down.

“I know you expected me to be mean.” She glanced at the heavy oak door. “I am not like them. I never wanted to be one of them.” She said in a hushed voice.

She keeps looking at the door nervously. “I hate all of them out there. They are evil killers.”

I was shocked to hear her say this. I had not expected hear that in a million years. I was silent not knowing what to do next.

“I know about you and William. I overheard them talking. I’m sorry they did this, but I will try to help you as best I can.”

“Why would you do that? “ I asked cautiously. I wasn’t about to trust her, not just yet. “They would kill you wouldn’t they?” I couldn’t believe she was willing to risk her life (or whatever you want to call it) on me, we did not even know each other.

“I hate them all Corrine. I know what happened to you and William, and I knew that freak show Vincent too! I tried to avoid him like the plague when he was here. I’m so glad that Dr.Parker killed him. He was a horrible evil man; nobody liked him, but Leo and Todd.”

“You mean Doc?” I smiled slightly. It seemed odd to hear his formal name, as we all called him just Doc by the coven.

“Yes, I heard that’s what your coven calls him. You all are lucky to have an elder like him.” She looked to the door nervously again. “Leo’s a nightmare, a pure evil night mare and so was Vincent!” I could see the fear in her eyes, and sadness when she spoke of them.

“If you hate them why are you here?” I was afraid to ask, as I said it softly.

“I was made a vampire by no choice of my own. I never wanted to be what I am now, not ever.” She sighed and looked down at the worn wood floor.

“Were you brought here by force? Did they kidnap you and make you one?” I said softly.

I bit my lower lip a bit afraid I shouldn’t be asking her this stuff. I didn’t know her at all, but I could see in her eyes she was not like the dark ones. I could see she was desperate to talk to someone, desperate for help, just like me. I hoped she wanted to share her story, because for some reason I felt I could relate to her. She stood silently thinking, before she began to speak.

“It happened not long ago. I’ve only been here with the Dark coven two years. I was a sophomore at Boston University. I was going to become a nurse and maybe a doctor

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