Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,112

I don’t need to ask what coven, do I?” William was studying Todd as it seemed assessing him.

“No… you don’t need to ask, and I am a full blood, not a half ass vamp like you!” He took a step closer to William who still was blocking Todd from me.

I was in so much pain I was getting tunnel vision and my ears were ringing. I was glad Doc had un hooked the heart monitor or they would have known it was beating out of control. I put my face in my hands, trying to pull it together, but it was not working. Doc and Pratt were not kidding when they said stress was my worst enemy, I was going down fast, and I had no way to stop it.

“You think you can come in here and hurt Corrine, alone or even with your side kick over there? You’re a fledgling vamp; you can’t even have been one a full year yet. I may be a half blood but you are younger and not as strong as me.” Will remained in a guarding position ready if Todd should try to get to me.

“Really? Well in most cases that may be true, but not right now. It’s a well know fact you are sick William, that dead blood Vincent forced you to drink is tearing up your system as we speak, you know it and I know it.” He smiled at Will, and gave a Kyle wink of self-assurance.

“You’re wrong, I am fine. Your stupidity amazes me Todd it really does. I may be somewhat weaker than I was before the attack, but I m still stronger than you! I’m also not alone here; if you knew how a coven really works, you would remember that. If you threaten one you threaten all.”

“So I’ve heard.” Todd laughed.

“Well you’ve set yourself up to fail as Vincent did!” Will said in a low voice. The words set Todd off. I could see his hands ball up into tight fists.

“I have a mission to complete, and I will not let some runty half blood get in my way, so save your pathetic threats William!” In that, instant Todd lunged at William who in a split second moved. Todd tumbled into the couch next to my bathroom. Todd was back on his feet instantly and he and Will circled each other.

‘Save the macho display William, I know all about it. Vincent knocked you on your ass last fall. I was just filling Corrine in on the details while you were getting your beauty rest. I can kill you; you are nearly as weak as a human right now, and no match for me! Why don’t you let me put you out of your misery right now?” He was pushing Will, trying to get him to make a move.

“Bring it Todd, I will rip out your throat and kill you like the animal you are!” Will was in a full on rage now, like I had never seen him before.

Before I knew what was happening, the two were going toward each other full force. Todd grabbed Will and threw him down hard into the love seat he had been sleeping on. I flinched as Will gasped in pain; he slowly got up holding his side. Will was after Todd now, grabbed him, and threw him to the ground. Will had Todd pinned to the floor, refusing to let him move. I could see Will still had some strength left as he wrapped his hand around Todd’s neck.

The two struggled, trying to overpower each other. I worried Will would get tired, he was starting to breath harder, and Todd was not even letting up. I could only watch. I worried Todd’s friend Kyle would join in the fight, but he only stood there silently. I prayed Roth and Taylor might come up here or just somebody and help us. I wasn’t sure how long Will could keep Todd from hurting him or even killing him.

“Give up already you’re not going to beat me, it’s a joke!” Todd hissed his eyes were as black as Williams. I could see Todd had blood running down the side of his face, but William had blood on the side of his mouth. They were tearing each other apart.

“Never, I’ll die before I let you touch Corrine ever again!” Will snapped as he moved closer to me.

“Then so be it, you’ve chosen what you want, who am I to deny you?” Todd

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