Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,111

strait facts. Will is…let’s see now… what’s that old saying?” He stopped to think. “Up shit creek without a paddle? Yes that's it.” The look in his eyes sent a cold chill down my spine.

“I also could say the same for you. Vincent made me like him, so I could complete the elimination of you, William and the Followers if he should fail. He was stronger when he changed me, so fortunately I am not a half blood.” He laughed. “Finishing this will be easy.”

He sat down in my pink armchair and nodded his head. “Leo will be the one you will meet next, and he is the one who will decide how and when to kill you. I will warn you he has no feelings for humans or half bloods. Did you know we hunt both even when we are not hungry, it’s rather fun actually. I especially like to smell the fear it’s like a fine wine, and the terror in their eyes is merely the icing on the cake.”

“You won’t get away with this!” I snapped at him, wanting to punch him in the face.

Leo warned me of how protective the Followers are with William, since he is so weak. It seems they all feel the same about you. Doc threatened Leo’s son Trevor over you two scrawny little vamp wanna be’s. That was not such a good thing to do on his part. Leo could care less that he and Doc were brothers in their human lives. Leo has wanted to kill Doc and eliminate the Followers for centuries.” He inhales and smiles confidently at me.

“I am now Leo’s right hand man and his choice to be the next elder of the coven. This little mission is my chance to prove to him I am worthy of such a position in the coven and I will not fail.”

I knew it was over now, I couldn’t breathe at all. I tucked my head down on my knees and closed my eyes. I had no idea what Todd had planned for me but it would end in my death. Will was also heading that way, and I couldn’t bear the thought of it. I caught my breath and slowly looked up pushing the hair out of my eyes.

“You're going to kill me aren’t you?” I said weakly and why I even asked I didn’t know. I already knew the answer.

“Yes and… no Corrine, I would love to kill you right now, but I must let Leo decide if I can enjoy that. You are bait right now. Where ever you are William and the Followers will come and try to save you. Do you see what I mean? You Corrine are live bait!” I saw just then Todd was not alone, he had another vamp with him. He stood watching near the window, in the shadows.

“I see that you’ve noticed Kyle over there, don’t worry he will not eat you. He is here to help me out if I should need it.”

“We should get going Todd, Leo is expecting us in an hour you know how he is.” I could see fear in Kyle’s dark eyes as he said Leo’ name.

Kyle looked a lot like Todd but with dark brown hair and he was shorter, he wore a black coat and baseball hat nearly pulled over his eyes. He seemed nervous and kept looking at William. It was in that moment William did wake up; he heard Todd and Kyle talking. The look in his eyes when he saw Todd even scared me, they went from blue to nearly black, as he was enraged. Will jumped up ready to attack; he was at my bedside in seconds.

“What the hell are you doing here Todd?” He snarled, putting himself in between me and Todd as a shield, he held his arm out in front of me as a block, if Todd was going to go after me.

“Ahhh glad you could join us William old pal, long time no see eh?” He prodded sarcastically knowing Will was pissed off.

Will’s body suddenly tensed up as he was sensing Todd was a vampire; all vamps even half bloods could feel another vampire presence form a mile away. This explained why Todd could never be tracked. The Followers had been looking for a human and he was no longer one and remained hidden from Doc and the coven. They would never have expected him to be a vampire.

“I see you’ve joined my world.

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