Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,113

moved so quickly he was like a blur.

Suddenly he was holding both of William’s arms back, as he fought violently to break free from Todd’s hold. Todd jerked Will around so they were facing me. I scooted back to the top of the bed. I could see now William was really hurt badly, he was bleeding and taking shallow breaths, trying to pull free from Todd. He had hurt Todd too though, as he looked exhausted. Kyle moved now closer to them.

“Take a nice long look at her William; you won’t be seeing her again for sometime perhaps… ever again.” Will looked up at me his eyes back to their brilliant blue. He was fighting to stay conscious, blinking hard.

“I love you.” I whispered to Will, as I tried to block out my own pain.

“I love you Corrine, I’m so sorry.” He sighed trying to focus on me. Will tried to yank free again but this time Kyle grabbed him and he had no power to get away.

“Enough of this, we’ve wasted enough time here!” Todd slammed William into the floor so hard he gasped in pain. Todd looked down at William, he seemed satisfied that he had hurt him enough to knock him out. I stared at William he was not moving at all now. I was terrified he was hurt really bad or maybe even something worse, dead.

“We shouldn’t be bothered by him anymore.” Todd smoothed his hair back into place and wiped the blood off his face onto his shirtsleeve.

“Well Corrine,” he gave me a wicked smile. “We have to go, so get dressed, and make it fast or I will take you in your pajamas. I really don’t care.”

I was in shock he was taking me. I couldn’t go anywhere, I could barely walk very far right now. I just yesterday walked alone to the bathroom without hanging onto Will, Gran, or Libby. I knew this could be really bad; they wanted me to lure Doc and the coven in, and then attack them no doubt. Leo and the crazy freak vamps would try to kill the Followers.

I didn’t think their plan would work, little did they know that if I went more than a day without the serum Pratt gave me I would probably die. I thought about it as I pulled on my jeans, my legs felt like lead. If I died, the Followers wouldn’t have a reason to come after me and try to get me back. I didn’t care if I had to sacrifice myself really. I didn’t want Will, Doc or any of the Followers to die trying to save me.

I watched Todd as he sat in the window seat talking to Kyle; he kept his eyes on me as I struggled to get myself dressed. I was not going to let him win, even if it meant I had to sacrifice myself. I was not going to be responsible for luring William’s coven, “my” coven into a trap. I just would simply not allow it to happen no matter what I had to do. A war had just begun, between Todd and me and this time I was going to win.

Chapter 18


I looked at William, he was still not moving at all. I tried to see if he was breathing but I couldn’t. I found a shirt, and a pink hooded zip up sweatshirt to throw on. I pulled the closet door open and stepped behind it so Todd and his friend couldn’t see me. I found a white knit hat to throw on and my jean jacket, hardly warm enough for January, but it was all I had on hand in my closet.

I tried to move fast. Todd kept telling me to hurry up. They knew the Followers would be here to look in on Will soon, so they wanted to get out of there. I got my shoes on and stood at the edge of the bed, and doubled over in pain again. My stomach seemed to hurt more than my lungs. I wasn’t sure if I could even walk, but Todd wasn’t waiting for me anymore.

“Hurry it up Corrine, suck it up!” Todd yelled.

“I… can’t.” I gasped in pain I closed my eyes, as the room seemed to be spinning.

“You can and you will, you have no choice here! We are going now even if I have to drag you! You’re wasting my time. Doc and his stupid coven are going to be here any second now,

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