Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,100

or violent action against any Follower would not be tolerated. I was shocked to learn, that the chief elder, of the Dark coven could possibly be Doc’s brother Leo. I was told the story, by Will about Doc and his only brother. I was absolutely speechless that Doc could be related to one so evil.

It was not known yet if Leo was the leader. Trevor refused to tell Doc when they spoke. I could tell by the tone in Will’s voice that if Leo was in fact the chief elder we were all in serious danger. It seems Doc and Leo, had a deep hatred of one another, setting the scene for a war between the covens.

I had prayed Will would be fully recovered by now, but he was not. I was seeing no improvements, but Pratt said he was not getting any weaker and had no illness recently. Will was on guard with me at all times now. He watched everyone and everything around me. The main reason he did this besides the possible Dark coven attack, was that Roth swore he saw Todd Downs in the area.

This was just more bad news; it was bad enough we had to deal with a coven of evil vampires. Todd my insane ex boyfriend, who attacked me, and nearly killed me two times, was the last thing I wanted to worry about. Not to even mention the entire emotional trauma he gave me. The last attack, on me Todd set it up to look like a suicide.

That night still haunted me to this day, but now the nightmares had become less frequent. I could never forget the way he looked into my eyes when he ran that knife across my wrists. The look was pure evil, no compassion and no remorse at all. I could not believe I had ever had a relationship with a guy like that.

Then there was Will, my tragic angel, the love of my life. He was all I could ever have dreamed of. He was kind, caring, and so in love with me. It was hard to believe how happy I was right now, even with all the health issues and Dark coven stuff. He never tired of being with me, even in the difficult times. The connection we had was so deep and strong; everyone around us could see it in our eyes.

Lydia who in her spare time loved researching history and astrological things, told me Will and I were soul mates. She had told me each and every person has a true soul mate, one person they were meant to be with and truly connected with. I had heard of it, and seen it in movies and read it in books, but now I was living it.

Lydia told me she had never seen Will so happy in all of the many years he had been alive. I was what he needed, and he was what I needed in this crazy messed up world. I only hoped my stupid body would hold up until I could complete the transformation to a vampire. I prayed I could, but still worried I wouldn’t.

Will was still attending classes, despite the fact he hated it, and he was so insanely smart he knew more than the professors did. Doc told us we had to keep up appearances until we went back to Maine, or we made the trip to France. It was looking like we would remain in Cambridge now, at least until I was ready to go to France to complete the change. Doc, as we all did had a “human” life to maintain.

He was a doctor after all, and despite the fact he had partners in his medical office (they were human doctors) they could not take over care of all his patients any longer. Doc had to stay in town and work; it was his passion to heal humans and in order to maintain the appearance of normalcy he needed to be here. He worried I would not want to stay home, but I assured him I was fine being here, at least I could spend time with Gran now.

I started to resume my classes, I had too. Dad was bugging me, seeing as I was recovering he worried for my future, if he only knew! I eyed the stack of books on my desk. I was doing correspondence courses again, and had enough work backed up to choke a horse. I had two essays on

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