Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,99

of them, a monster, and a killer. The thing humans feared and avoided even speaking about.

I stayed with Leo and the Dark coven for a few months. I had no choice. I was new to this world, their world. I did not know how to survive in it yet so I had to stay. I killed as they did.

The hunger for blood was strong in my early days as a vampire. I could not control myself. It was not long though, until I could think clearly again. I knew I had to leave the Dark coven. I had to find others who were like me, who did not kill, and got blood some other way. I ran away one night, and never went back.

I wandered alone, avoiding humans as much as possible. I did still need blood, but I took from humans only what I needed to survive, and did not bite deep enough to produce venom. I lived this life for a long time a few decades at least, always hoping to find others like me. I found my way to New Orleans, it was easy to blend in with humans there, and by that time, I was good at it.

I could control my thirst, and socialize amongst them whenever I wanted now. I saw Dr.Pratt at a nightclub not long after I arrived in town. I as all vamps could sense he was one of my kind. I knew he was different, he interacted with humans easily, and he didn’t treat them like his next meal.

I had met others, but they all were hunters. I did not share my feelings about preserving human life with them. I became friends with Pratt, after many months of us watching each other and being sure, we were both the same kind of vampire. Pratt introduced me to his coven, the Followers, and to a new life.

I became one of them and later an elder leader. Pratt wanted to travel and do medical research, so I became the leader and chief elder of the coven when he left for Europe. I am still the chief elder today, and I have four other elder’s who help me lead the coven. I do my best to watch over, and protect my coven.

I tolerate no deviation from our code of rights; no member kills, hurts, or torments any human or living creature. We live in peace and avoid conflicts if possible. I had to do my best now to protect my newest coven member, Corrine. I worried she and William were in extreme danger, and now both of them were weak and ill.

I had no contact with Leo since Vincent; one of my former Followers left me to go to him. I knew he was still with them, and by now, he was either the chief elder of the Dark coven or he may have moved on to Europe, as many do after a time. This was what worried me the most, if Leo was the chief elder now, he would be irate when he learned I had been the one to kill his favorite, Vincent.

This could be detrimental to the Followers. If Leo was angered by his death, as I expected he would be, he would seek revenge on my entire coven and me. This could be critical, the last time he sought revenge he had taken the only thing in my human life I had ever loved, my Anna. I wasn’t going to sit back and let him kill Corrine and William. I was preparing to protect them, from his evil wrath, no matter the cost.

Chapter 14


Back to Corrine’s point of view

I was so happy to be pain free and feeling better all the time. Doc and Pratt were confident the serum was stopping the cancer, and letting the venom slowly complete the changing process. I knew soon, all this would be over, and I hoped life would settle back to some form of normal for all of us. It was a nice break from the usual drama; we had all been stuck in the past few months.

The next few weeks though, found us all right back into the drama big time. The Dark Coven contacted doc. One of their many elders, named Trevor demanded to know why Vincent had been killed. Doc told Trevor the story and how he was going to kill Will and me. He had no option; this did not appease Trevor at all.

Doc warned him that any threat

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