Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,101

human behavior to do, how ironic I thought to myself.

How odd to get that assignment, now that I wasn’t even fully a human anymore. I was a bit annoyed to have to stay to tell you the truth. Sara made me nervous, always watching me, she even commented on my pale coloring yesterday. She told me I needed to go to the tanning beds or get a spray tan, I looked half-dead. I nearly laughed; I so wanted to say, “Well you know what I am half dead if you want to get technical Sara”. I behaved, I shrugged my shoulders and left the room and said nothing.

The other reason I was bothered by staying in town, was Roth’s mention of thinking he saw Todd in town the other day. Could he be alive? Was he here waiting to get me? The thoughts were getting hard to ignore. If he came back and tried to kill me now, it wouldn’t take much. I was recovering, yes but I could still only walk a very short distance, like uh to the bathroom ok! I couldn’t get away from him if I wanted to. I was basically helpless her in my room.

Will was with me nearly all the time, but he too would be no match for Todd right now either. I hated being so vulnerable and seeing Will the same. I knew it grated on his nerves, having to rely on the coven, and namely his cousins for protection. It was the whole macho guy thing I guess. Will liked being my protector, my knight in shining armor and right now, it was hard for him to be that.

I could see his eyes get dark when Doc told him to let Roth be the one to guard my room at all times. He and Roth were as close as brothers, but Will wanted to be the one able to keep me from harm not Roth. I assured him it didn’t matter to me, but it did not help, he was still annoyed big time.

I smiled at Will. I watched him sleeping on my love seat, a pink Hello Kitty throw blanket covering him, it looked funny. I decided to read, but first I flipped up my laptop to go over my emails. I had been chatting with Beth and Kara a lot this week. It was easier, I didn’t want Sara hearing what we were talking about, and she seemed to be always around.

I was trying to keep in contact with them and a lot of my “human” friends. I was told being a half blood, maintaining my human friendships would be easier even during the changing process. Half bloods did not thirst to the point of uncontrollable behavior as “new” full-blooded vamps often did. Many new full bloods had to be isolated until they learned self-control around humans.

I wanted to invite Kara and Beth over one evening for a movie night, as we use to do, soon. I knew I could never tell them what I was, or becoming right now. I was a member of the Follower coven now. I had to live by the code set centuries before my existence and that meant never revealing what we were.

I decided to watch TV for a while I couldn’t sleep again. I was having more nights like this. Will would drift off easily, and I would be wide-awake. I walked around the house a lot, trying to get stronger and trying to avoid boredom. I knew I was going to need less sleep when I changed fully into a half blood, so I needed to get use to long nights.

Tonight I found a movie, Father of the bride, one of my old favorites, so I curled up to watch it. I looked over at Will again; he was still curled up on the love seat. I admired him as he slept. I was still amazed at how damn good-looking vampires were, especially my William. Will’s thick black hair was ruffled, his long eyelashes fanned out against his cheeks.

Will always would appear normal compared to full-blooded vampires. His skin tone was darker, even than my former human coloring. I just wanted to kiss his full lips, and be close to him but he needed his rest even more than I did now. I tried not to start worrying about his health again. Doc and Pratt swore to me they would watch over him and make sure he recovered, and I knew

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