Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,99

he collapsed onto his field chair, lowering his head into his hands.

Bahr shifted uncomfortably. He’d dreaded this confrontation from the moment Faeldrin led him into the Wolfsreik camp. The situation was beyond awkward. Heir to the throne, he was more of an outcast than anyone else in their steadily growing circle. Worse, the longer he stayed around them the more his perceived failures returned to haunt him.

He looked down on Aurec with immense compassion. Losing everything was no easy thing to endure. He knew. He’d lost his estate, his ship, and now his family. Bahr was alone in the world. No matter how tomorrow ended, his lot in life wasn’t going to change. Accepting this fact was difficult but not impossible. He’d had countless hours on the road or river to ponder the course on which his life bizarrely twisted.

“How could you do that? You just left her to die,” Aurec accused.

Bahr frowned, knowing he failed to properly explain the situation. “We have every reason to believe she was kidnapped after she killed Ionascu.”

Aurec lifted his head slowly. His eyes were red and sore. Tears streaked his face, marring the dirt that had accumulated. “What do you mean? Maleela would never kill anyone. It’s not in her nature.”

“So I believed as well. My niece is a resilient young lady, however, and quite capable of defending herself. You’ve no idea how difficult it was keeping her from getting into battles. Which is why I fully believe she killed Ionascu and was abducted shortly thereafter. Nothing else makes sense. We found evidence of a struggle. Feathers and such.” Bahr went on to explain their running engagement with the Harpies and Anienam’s theory that the Hags were in league with the Dae’shan. Much of it sounded implausible to Bahr as he spoke it. Then again much of their journey since leaving Delranan seemed farfetched. He certainly wouldn’t believe another if he were being told such tales.

Aurec reflected the sentiment. “You realize how impossible it all sounds? I’ve spent months locked in a war not of my choosing, all the while hoping against hope that she was alive and safe from harm. For you to stand before me and claim she’s been captured by our enemy drives iron nails through my heart.” He used the back of his sleeves to wipe his eyes. “I want to believe you, Bahr. I do. There has been much animosity between our families.” He held up a hand for silence before Bahr could counter the point. “I know you’ve been a minor player in this foul drama, but that doesn’t change things. I can look beyond your mission to Rogscroft, but not your negligence in keeping Maleela safe.”

“I accept that, but you need to keep in mind she is my blood. I may not have been there for her when she was growing up but my love for that little girl runs deep. If I could trade places with her I would, gladly,” he told Aurec.

The king nodded in total agreement. “As would I. Perhaps I was wrong. You are not your brother, Captain Bahr. I see that now. There is honor in you. It reminds me of my father.”

“Stelskor was a good man,” Bahr said. He’d met the old king twice before and came away impressed each time. Secretly he wished his brother would have aspired to be more like the king of Rogscroft. Delranan would have been a better kingdom.

“Thank you,” Aurec said.

They left the conversation at that. Each had said his part. Nothing further needed explaining. Bahr left in friendship. Heading back to Faeldrin and the others, he felt a great weight fall from his shoulders. His heart lightened. Making peace with the king of Rogscroft sealed a portion of the rift between their two families. Bahr didn’t know if it would be enough. Too much bad blood existed, but it was a definite beginning.

Despite the good feelings coming from his meeting, Bahr couldn’t avoid thinking about Maleela and what had become of his niece. Did she die in the jungle or was her fate much worse? He wasn’t sure why but felt the answer would soon be revealed.


Calm Before the Storm

Skuld watched the Dwarf army going through preparations for tomorrow’s battle with awe. Once a common street thief, he never dreamed to have witnessed the sights and experiences of his long journey. Wars, monsters, and impossible races stretched his imagination to the limits. There were times when he regretted overhearing Nothol and Dorl talking

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