Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,100

about the riches in the Murdes Mountains. Times when he wanted nothing more than to retreat back to his hiding spot in Chadra and forget the rest of the world existed. But he also found more times when he could do naught but stand in wonder at all Malweir had to offer.

His personal development took him through different courtships. Boen was his initial role model for he fancied himself becoming a great and powerful warrior. His own experience in battle left that desire deflated. No one should willingly want to go to war. Next came Anienam’s subtle testing to see if he was right for assuming the mantle of Mage. Skuld didn’t care for magic, though the strength and power of it was certainly alluring. He reluctantly accepted Anienam’s promise that he held latent magical attributes that could be exploited into use but wasn’t sure that was what he wanted from life. Skuld was more confused now than he had ever been in his brief life.

The rebels were his people. Many were from Chadra and he thought he recognized a few in passing. They were shopkeepers or smiths. Only a handful had ever been professional soldiers. They were nothing like the gruff professionals of Drimmen Delf. Skuld couldn’t pull his gaze. He and a few others hadn’t gotten to witness the Dwarves go to war during their stay in the grand halls. Bahr insisted that Skuld remain with Maleela while he and the others went to the battle of Bode Hill. At the time Skuld resented the decision. He wanted to help, to fight. Now that he saw how dedicated the Dwarves were to warfare his stomach felt unsettled.

“Isn’t it a glorious sight?” Ironfoot asked as he came up beside Skuld.

Skuld didn’t know what to say. He shifted his gaze to the normally taciturn Dwarf captain. “How can anyone be this good at destruction? I never imagined anything like this when I was living on the streets.”

Ironfoot regarded the boy a moment longer before answering. “Dwarves aren’t inherently violent but we have great propensity to execute our will through the axe. You have seen this before. There are no surprises here.”

“I wasn’t allowed out of the mountains,” Skuld protested. “Bahr thought it was best to keep me with the princess.”

“Perhaps. I did not know either of you during those days,” the Dwarf said thoughtfully. “Your race is full of surprises, young Skuld. I find myself constantly being taken off guard by your deeds. It is easy to see why Humans have become the dominant species on Malweir. The rest of us are too mired in the old ways, ways that don’t exist any longer. Malweir was once wild, untamed. They were times for hard people. The weak perished quickly. Old hatreds were formed and continue to this day. What you see before us is a result of those hatreds. We will take our vengeance against the Goblins tomorrow.”

“I don’t understand how any one race can hate another with so much passion.”

“Passion? There is little passion in combat. Dwarves and Goblins share a hate stronger than all the love in the world. You see, it is a little known fact but we were both once the same race. Evil twisted our kin until they became so tormented they evolved into the creatures awaiting us. For that crime my people have sworn to continue fighting our ancient foes until none remain.”

Ironfoot fell silent. A battery of cannons was being pulled by. Four oxen were hooked up to each cannon. They strained under the several-thousand-pound weight of iron and gears as the animals dragged the weapons of mass destruction through partially trampled snow. Even packed for transport, the weapons presented an ominous scene. Skuld felt death as they rolled past. His argument with Ironfoot was justified, at least in his mind.

A sudden thought occurred to him. “Ironfoot, why are you not back with the Dwarves?”

“It seems my fate is not tied to theirs. Anienam told us that we were all required if the quest was to succeed. That means I am meant to fight alongside the rest of you.” He paused as the last cannon went by. “Between the two of us, I think I would rather be with Bahr and that fool, old wizard. He makes life interesting.”

Skuld was beginning to feel like he was the only sane one in their group. Confused, he said good night and went back to his bedroll. Dawn was coming fast.

Rekka rolled off of a panting

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