Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,98

your siege engines.”

“We’ve all fought Goblins before. The cannons and catapults will test their will, but they won’t break and run,” Thord added. “Not unless we manage to slaughter the majority of their strength. No, Anienam, this is going to be bloody for us all.”

“How then do we proceed with the assault? If what you say is true, time is against us,” Rolnir said, deciding to change the subject further. “How long will you need to complete your task?”

“Ha! The task itself is a simple smashing with the Blud Hamr,” Anienam cackled. “Getting to the Olagath Stone is the trick. Some hours I suspect.”

“Since Bahr and his people are already camped with us I suggest we begin the attack,” Faeldrin said. “Once you hear the signal that the attack is underway you can commit your combined army in the support assault.”

“What sign? How will we know?” Aurec asked.

Thord grinned, a savage look. “You’ll know.”

Aurec paced like a caged mountain lion. He wished he’d never sent Venten home. This was one of those moments where he needed his old friend’s counsel. A moment he long dreaded was drawing ever closer. The battle on the morrow wasn’t even a consideration. His sole concern lay on the brother of the king responsible for murdering his father. For destroying his kingdom and potentially ruining his way of life. Not only that, but Aurec desperately needed word of Maleela. If she was still with Bahr why hadn’t he brought her?

Thorsson folded back the tent flap and coughed. “Sire, he’s here.”

His heart sped up. Sweat tickled his brow. Aurec’s mouth went dry. His hands trembled. It took a concentrated effort to make his lips work. “Thank you, Thorsson. Please send him in.”

The command sergeant major paused, as if determining whether his king was in the proper frame of mind for such a guest. Ultimately, it wasn’t up to him. His job was to follow orders and offer suggestions. He knew, as did the others close to Aurec, that this meeting needed to happen in order for the king to go into battle with any doubts removed.

“You asked to speak with me?” Bahr said as he entered.

Aurec turned to face him. They stood for a moment, each staring back at the other. The king of Rogscroft struggled with the desire to strike the older Bahr. Until now he hadn’t hoped to ever confront the one responsible for stealing his love. Aurec gradually got control of his emotions.

“Yes, Captain, thank you for coming,” he said.

Bahr saw the turmoil etched on young Aurec’s face. “I’m not my brother.”

“Excuse me?” Aurec was taken off guard.

Bahr offered a thin smile. “You’ve been thinking it since we arrived. Badron and I are nothing alike. Nor am I the monster you think I am. Maleela is my niece. I was hired to return her from your…kidnapping effort. We didn’t learn until much later that it was not all it was made out to be.”

His words, while intended to assuage the anguish Aurec felt, had little impact. He saw Badron when he looked at Bahr. He saw the loss of the love of his life.

“Where is she?” he asked, the words coming out as a demand.

Bahr deflated. “She…she’s gone.”

Aurec felt his heart shatter. Months of repression finally broke free. The tears flowed. Reason and hope abandoned him. He’d kept the hope alive since the moment he’d awakened to find her missing. Death wasn’t possible. She was merely secluded away in Delranan. Bahr’s words shredded that illusion. With Maleela dead, Aurec feared he lacked the resolve to finish the war. He suddenly felt lost.

Racked with sobs, Aurec choked back his tears. “How did she die?”

Pain reflected off Bahr’s dark eyes. His mind drifted back to finding Ionascu’s murdered corpse. “I can’t say for certain she did.”

Aurec stiffened. “What do you mean? You’re not making sense.”

“We were attacked by a pair of Gnaals in the jungle. Nothol Coll took her to safety but was knocked out from behind. One of our own, who turned out to be a spy for Harnin, clubbed him and, we think, attempted to murder Maleela. Instead we found his body and no trace of her.”

Frightful images played through Aurec’s mind. He imagined her lying dead from starvation in the middle of a hostile land, dying slowly with no friends or comfort. The thought of being abandoned by those who claimed to love and protect her must have driven her into madness during those final few moments. Aurec’s knees gave out and

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