ENTANGLED PURSUITS - Brenda Jackson Page 0,62

when he began removing his shirt. “Yes, I still sleep naked.”

He tore off his t-shirt, and she saw the dark hair that covered his chest and then narrowed as it continued beneath the waistband of his jeans. It was just as she remembered. She recalled how she loved running her face against the hair and how it would tickle her face. Now he was down to his jeans, and the swell of his erection was pressing hard against his zipper.


She shifted her glance from his midsection up to his face. His expression was intense, and it sent a shiver of need through her. “Yes?”

“I want you.” His voice had lowered to a sensuous pitch.

“I can see that.”

The grin that broke out on his features was breathtaking and untamed. Their lovemaking would be wild, uncontrollable, and as tempestuous as anything they’d ever experienced. It had always been that way with them. They seemed to innately know what the other wanted and needed, and they’d always deliver.

She preferred it hard and fast, and he liked it slow and deliberate. If he had his way, their lovemaking would last all night. To accommodate both of their preferences, they had worked out an arrangement that was a combination of both preferred styles. From the look in his eyes, she had a feeling they were about to reinstate that plan.

“I’m going to have to do something about those shivers,” he said as he unsnapped his pants and began easing down the zipper.

There was no way he could not, when the heat of him was spreading through her. When he lowered his jeans down his masculine thighs, she saw that he was still a fine specimen of a man.

She then watched when he picked back up his jeans and grabbed a wallet out of the back pocket. She knew he was getting a condom.

“Now for your clothes,” he said, after he’d taken the time to sheath himself with protection with the skill of a pro.

In a way, Toni wished she could just lie there and allow her gaze to roam over the body she had missed seeing for the almost five years. Missed touching. Missed tasting. “Are you sure you’re ready for me, Drew?” she asked him.

“Baby, you have no idea just how ready I am for you,” he replied in a deep, throaty voice.

Easing up in bed, she pulled the blouse over her head and tossed it to him. He caught it and threw his head back and laughed. The sound of his laughter was warm and irresistibly seductive. “Since you plan to stand there,” she said, removing her bra, “I might as well put you to good use.” She then tossed her bra to him. That was followed by her jeans, and last but not least, her panties.

He placed her clothing aside. “One of these days, we’ll work on your pitching skills.”

Now she was the one who tossed her head back to laugh as she took his hand. “Baseball is my least favorite sport.”

“Ah, but it’s my favorite,” he said, moving toward the bed. He reached out and touched her breasts, and liquid fire rushed through her body. “Come to me,” he said when his knee touched the mattress. Without hesitation, she went to him willingly. “I missed you, Toni.”

He whispered the words mere seconds before his mouth claimed hers in a kiss that sent jolts of sexual energy ricocheting through her veins, while at the same time igniting bone-melting fire in her blood.

Drew suddenly broke off the kiss and began raining kisses along her throat. When he took the tip of his tongue and licked the side of her neck, she released a frustrated moan. Reaching out, she grabbed hold of him, needing to feel his erection in her hand.

“There you go, always in a hurry,” he said, teasingly close to her ear.

“And there you go, acting like you have all the time in the world.” Different methods of getting to the same goal. Entangled Pursuits.

“I’ll do things your way, this time.”

“That would be nice,” she said, smiling.

“What’s nice is your mouth. I hadn’t realized just how much I missed it,” he said, going after her lips again and kissing her until she whimpered. She reached up traced her finger along his beard, loving how it felt. She then traced that finger across his moist lips, and he drew her finger into his mouth and began sucking on it.


When he released her finger, his mouth then sank hard into hers. She closed her

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