ENTANGLED PURSUITS - Brenda Jackson Page 0,61

Like you said, a lot of time has passed.”

She agreed with that. “Are you ready to talk now, Drew?”

He shook his head. “No. Right now I’m ready to do this.” Then he lowered his mouth to hers.

THE MOMENT THEIR TONGUES touched, Andrew released a satisfied groan. He hadn’t known how much he’d missed her taste until now, and he had no problem letting her know it. When he wrapped his arms around her, he felt her body sink into his.

The way she was returning the kiss was making him forget everything, except how having her back in his arms was making him feel. His tongue greedily moved around in her mouth, absorbing the taste he’d missed for close to five years.

She used to call him Mr. Foreplay because he’d loved driving her crazy with desire, pushing her close to the edge and then bringing her back and giving her several miniature orgasms before finally giving her the big one. He would know just where to touch her, kiss her, and taste her to get the most powerful effect.

This kiss was slow, greedy, and hot and meant to stir all those pleasure points he knew she had inside her mouth. Not only did he know they were there, but he also knew just where to find them. And he intended to kiss her senseless until he’d satisfied each one.

When he felt a shiver run through her, he deepened the kiss. Never had he wanted a woman so much. From the start, Toni had the ability to push his buttons and make him lose control. He heard her groan, and the sound did something to him. Made him want her just that much more.

Breaking the kiss, he drew in a deep breath and gazed down at her, recalling other times he had kissed her. The memories had him shuddering in desire.

“Are you cold, Drew?”

He’d asked her that same question earlier. “What makes you think I’m cold?”

“You shivered just now.”

Yes, he had. “And if I am cold, will you warm me up, Toni?”

She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I will try. Just say the word.”

Between them, the word had always been the word more. Whenever he’d asked for more, she would drive him wild, making him weak. But once he recovered his strength, it had always been payback time.

When she edged her mouth closer, taking her tongue and licking around his lips, he growled in pleasure, feeling hotter already. Before she could put her tongue back inside her mouth, he used his own to lick the tip of hers. That’s something else they’d enjoyed doing—a tongue tussle. There was just something about licking her tongue and her trouncing it the same way that stirred to life sensations that had lain dormant since their previous kisses. There had been other women since her, but none could make him growl the way she did.

When they ended the tongue tussle, both were breathing hard, their chests heaving at full capacity. “More,” he murmured against her moist lips. Then, unable to resist, he licked the side of her jaw. “I want more.”

• • •

At the very moment, when Toni was convinced her heart couldn’t take any more, he seized her mouth again. The last kiss had been powerful, but this one made her ravenous.

He suddenly broke off the kiss and stared down at her. “We should talk, Toni,” he whispered huskily.

She knew he was right. They should talk, but could they do so without touching? And was talking what they really wanted to do? Toni couldn’t speak for him, but the only thing she wanted to do was get into her bed and invite him to join her. Then again, maybe she could speak for him, if that huge erection at the juncture of her thighs was anything to go by.

“What if I told you I don’t want to talk now? That I’d prefer to talk later, Drew?”

“Is that what you really want?” he asked, leaning in and nipping her lips.

“Yes, that’s what I really want.”

He shifted his gaze to the television that was still in the box. “I ought to be working on your television.”

“I’d rather you work on me.”

Toni knew he’d finally taken her at her word when he swept her off her feet and carried her over to the bed. Placing her on it, he took a step back. “You still sleep in the nude?” he asked.

Toni wondered where that question had come from, but she could barely stay focused

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