ENTANGLED PURSUITS - Brenda Jackson Page 0,63

eyes, loving the taste of him. Nobody kissed like Drew and she’d missed him, missed this, oh so much.

Wrapped up in his kiss, she hadn’t realized he had eased her down on the bed until her head touched the pillow. Opening her eyes, she stared up at him as he moved back from her. “Before the night is over, I plan to kiss you all over, Toni.”

She hoped so, but not now. What she needed now was to feel him inside her. Of their own accord, her thighs parted when he settled his body over hers.

Toni thought that nothing could be more provocative than the image they made at that moment, him straddling her body, her legs opened to welcome him in. Then, he began easing inside of her, stretching her. The head of his penis felt hot as it slid all the way in. The intensity in his gaze made her breath falter. Total awareness of him filled her body as he continued to stretch her wide.

Then, he started moving, thrusting in and out of her to a tune in his head that only he knew. A low moan slipped past her lips with every stroke. Back and forth, deep and deeper, he pushed into her body and then pulled out, taking the sensation to levels only he was capable of.

Suddenly, he began to thrust inside her in earnest, with whiplash speed and stimulating detail. Her body responded to his the way it always did, with unrestrained passion and vigor. She was glad she’d sprung for a well-made mattress, because her bed was definitely getting one hell of a workout.

Drew fit perfectly inside of her. He hadn’t forgotten anything—not the location of her g-spot, or how she loved having his chest rub against her breasts when he made love to her, or even the quick yet satisfying way he was doing it. He was buried to his balls inside of her, and she loved having him so deep inside.

He still didn’t let up, his thrusts driving farther and farther. And then her body responded. An explosion ripped through her that nearly sent her straight off the bed. It stripped her of any control and allowed his masculine hips to speed up his thrusting. He was going faster than a jackhammer.



She watched him throw his head back, and for a minute, it seemed the veins in his neck were about to pop. Tightening his hold on her, he pressed her deeper into the mattress as he went deeper inside of her. And when he slid his hand down her body to touch where they were still joined to caress her clit, she knew what he wanted. He was making her come again for him. And she would. She always did.

Sensations ripped through her as she raised her hips to receive him. And then he lowered his mouth to hers and began riding her even harder. Tightening her legs around him, she fought back a scream as he pounded into her. This was passion of the most intense kind. Passion that made her regret the nearly five years she’d wasted.

Finally, he collapsed on top of her and then shifted his weight off her. When he whispered her name, she cuddled close to him, feeling a degree of contentment she hadn’t felt in a long time. For now, she was back in his arms, and that was enough. At this moment, there was no place she’d rather be.

THE SOUND OF A body shifting had Andrew opening his eyes, and they immediately connected with Toni’s. Suddenly, memories of what they had done flooded his mind, and all kinds of sensations washed over him. Their lovemaking had been incredible. He was back in her bed. Memories of how they had reached that point flowed through his mind.

He glanced beyond her to see daylight. It was still the same day. Saturday. When had he ever taken a nap in the middle of the day? It had to be well past noon. They had eaten breakfast, and within the hour, maybe two, he’d been inside of her, making love to her and trying to make up for over four years of misery. No wonder he’d fallen asleep. Now they were awake, and he wanted to begin the process all over again.

He breathed in deeply, absorbing her scent through his nostrils. What was it about Antonia Oliver that made him want her so voraciously? Made him want to make up for all the lost time? It sounded

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