The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4) - L A Cotton Page 0,48

knew not to take it personally; it wasn’t about me. It was about the little boy with eyes the color of honey, clinging onto the stuffed Eagle as if it was his life raft.

While he sank further into himself, his brothers flourished in their new foster home and sessions with Pat and Hershel. Jay liked football, basketball, dodgeball; any sport that involved a ball really. Although Mario enjoyed sport, he was also super creative. He and Hershel had started painting a mural on one of the walls inside the main hall. For a fourteen-year-old, the kid oozed talent. When it was finished, I was hoping to invite Hailee down for the unveiling. I knew she’d have something to say to Mario about it.

“Hey, buddy,” I said, sliding onto the bench beside Hugo. “How was your week so far?”

Silence stretched before us as he half-heartedly colored in another printout of Swoop.

“So, remember my boyfriend, Asher? The football player? Well, it’s his first game tomorrow.”

A flicker of interest flashed across Hugo’s face, but he didn’t meet my gaze. “The Owls play at the Lincoln Financial Field too, but I bet you already knew that.”

More silence. I ran a hand down my face, racking my brain for something, anything, that might get Hugo engaging with me. Sally caught my eye across the room and gave me a reassuring smile. A smile that said I was doing the right thing, no matter how useless I felt.

But Hugo didn’t engage. He didn’t smile or gaze up at me, eager for my tidbits about Asher and the team. He just sat there, coloring in and clutching his stuffed toy as if I wasn’t even there.

By the time the session was over, I was emotionally weary. Asher was picking me up and we were going to watch a movie, so once I’d helped clean up, I grabbed my purse out of the locker in the staff room and headed out.

“Bye, guys,” I said to Pat and Hershel. They gave me a quick wave and I made a beeline for the door.

Asher met me halfway. “Hey, how was it?”

I shook my head, noticing Sally waiting with the Garcia kids.

“Is that your boyfriend?” Jay called over.

“Jay,” Sally warned.

“It’s okay,” I said, approaching them. “This is Asher, my boyfriend.” My lips curved, as I discreetly watched Hugo. He peered up at Asher and then my fiancé did the most incredible thing. He crouched low and held up a fist.

“Hey, you must be Hugo. Mya has told me all about you. She said you want to be just like Fletcher Cox when you’re older?”

Jay and Mario could barely contain their excitement, but not Hugo. He simply stared up at Asher, his eyes wide and lips parted.

“Is that Swoop?” Asher asked, completely unfazed at Hugo’s lack of reply. “Can I see him?” He slowly extended his hand but didn’t get too close.

“Asher,” I whispered, not wanting him to scare Hugo. But then slowly, Hugo pushed Swoop forward and placed him in Asher’s open palm.

“He looks like he could do with a bath.”

Hugo smiled. It was only small, full of trepidation and uncertainty.

But it was a smile.

I looked up at Sally and I knew the emotion in her eyes mirrored the emotion in mine.

“Did Mya tell you it’s our first game of the season tomorrow?”

Hugo nodded.

This was freaking huge. I’d spent weeks trying to get the little boy with pain in his eyes to engage with me, and Asher had managed to do it in under a minute.

“I’m going to ask our running back to score a touchdown just for you.” Asher handed Swoop back and held up his fist again. “What do you say?”

Hugo made a small fist and bumped it to Asher’s. “Awesome. Mya can let you know next time how we got on, okay?” He stood up. “What about you two, you like football?”

Jay pulled up to his full height and puffed out his chest. “Hell yeah.” Sally cleared her throat and he murmured, “I mean, sure do.”

“What’s your name, kid?”

“Jay, and this is my brother Mario.”

“Well, it was nice to meet you all. Perhaps I can drop by with a few guys from the team one day and we can hang out?” I nudged him, and he added, “If Sally says it’s okay.” He shot my mentor a blinding smile.

“I’m sure we can figure something out,” she said returning it with her own.

“You three be good, okay? And I’ll see you soon.” Asher took my hand and guided me Copyright 2016 - 2024