The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4) - L A Cotton Page 0,49

away, the sounds of Jay and Mario’s excited chatter following us.

“I can’t believe you just did that. You were so good with him.”

“Nah.” Asher gave me a coy look. “I didn’t do anything, not really.”

“You did. Hugo hasn’t responded to anyone at the center like that, or his foster parents. It was... wow.”

I couldn’t even be envious that Asher had made the breakthrough with Hugo I so desperately wanted, because seeing the guy I loved interact so easily with the lost little boy had been nothing short of heart melting.

“I think I just fell in love with you all over again.”

We reached Asher’s Jeep and he pulled me into his arms. “He’s a cute kid. I can see why he’s got you all tied up in knots.”

“I just want to reach him, ya know?”

“I know.” He leaned in, kissing me softly. “I meant what I said. Me and the guys will drop by one session and play some ball with them. I don’t know why we’ve never thought of it before. Maybe we could get a regular thing going. Coach would love that, having the team giving back to the community.”

“That would be... the kids would love that.” The other volunteers too no doubt. “You’re really okay with this, aren’t you?”

“With what?” His brows bunched together.

“The fostering thing... the work I do.”

“Mya, I don’t know how to make this any clearer to you, but I will always, always support your dreams. I fell for your spirit, your passion and drive... your big heart. I’m crazy in love with you, Mya Hernandez, and one day I’m going to put a huge ring on your finger and claim you as mine in front of all our friends, family, and our houseful of foster kids.”

“I’d like that.”

“Good, because it’s happening, Mya. We just gotta finish school first.” Asher gazed at me with such reverence it took my breath away.

There had been a time when I had questioned what I’d done to deserve Asher, but I realized now it wasn’t about being deserving. Our souls were the same. We loved hard and we fought hard for those we cared about. That’s what brought us together, and that’s what would set the foundation of our life together.

And I couldn’t wait.


“That’s quite the man you have,” Sally said when I arrived at New Hope on the Monday after Asher’s first game.

“Yeah, he’s really something.”

“Gosh, I remember that feeling,” she sighed. “To be so in love it radiates from your pores.” She grinned.

“Crap.” I blushed. “I’ve become that girl, haven’t I?”

“Yeah, hon, I think you have. But it seems Asher worked his magic because I spoke to Mariah earlier and they had a really good weekend with Hugo.”

“He spoke to them?”

“No.” Her expression fell a little. “But he was using non-verbal cues and even joined in some of their activities.”

“That’s amazing.”

“I have a good feeling about this, Mya.”

I left Sally to her paperwork and made my way into the main hall. I instantly saw the difference in Hugo. He was no longer huddled at one of the tables, clutching his stuffed eagle. Instead, he was on the fringe of the game. He wasn’t exactly participating, but he wasn’t not participating either.

Smiling to myself, I made my way over to him and crouched down. “Hey, buddy. You want to join in?”

He shrugged.

“Maybe there’s something else you’d like to do?” He slid his small hand into mine and my heart swelled. Hugo led me over to his usual table and helped himself to a sheet of paper and a crayon, scribbling something. He thrust the paper at me, and I read it aloud.

“Did they win? The Owls?” I smiled, and he nodded. “They sure did, buddy. The running back scored two touchdowns just for you.”

His whole face lit up.

“In fact, I have a photo. Asher asked me to show it to you.” I dug it out of my pocket and passed it to him. We’d gone to the mall and had it printed out so Hugo could keep it. It was a shot of Asher and the Owls’ running back, Aiden, celebrating. They were pointing right at the camera, right at Hugo.

His smile grew.

“You can keep that. See, Asher and some of team signed the back for you.” His little fingers clutched the photograph as if it was the most precious thing he’d ever received.

“Remember your envelope is waiting. Whenever you’re ready,” I said.

I didn’t push. It had to be on Hugo’s terms, if ever. But he’d made such Copyright 2016 - 2024