The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4) - L A Cotton Page 0,47

never letting you go.”


“Hold on, I’m just connecting Cam now.”

“Ash? What is it?” Cameron’s face appeared on the screen.

“Can you see us?” I asked, and he nodded. “Jason and Fee too?”

Another nod.

“Okay.” I took a deep breath, hugging Mya to my side. “We have something to tell you...”

“Oh my god, you didn’t?” Felicity shrieked, clutching Jase’s shoulder.

“We did,” Mya said, shooting me an infectious smile. “We’re engaged.”

“Congratulations,” Hailee and Cameron said.

“Nice one,” Jase grinned, and Fee blurted out, “Let’s see it then.”

“Well, I... so, funny story...”

“Asher Bennet,” she groaned. “Please tell me you didn’t propose without a ring.”

“It just sort of happened.”

“Oh shit,” Jase breathed. “You didn’t get a ring.”

“Hang on a second, it isn’t like that,” I argued, and Mya buried her face into my neck, smothering her laughter.

“Ash, I was counting on you for the grand romantic gesture,” Felicity let out an exasperated breath.

“I think it’s sweet,” Hailee added. “Spur of the moment. I like that.”

“Back up, Giles,” Jase was no longer looking at us. Instead, his eyes were fixed on his fiancée. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I made a big gesture. Or have you forgotten when I got down on one knee on national television?”

“Don’t be silly, babe, I haven't forgotten, and it was very sweet, but I had high hopes for Asher and Mya.”

“Guys,” I interrupted. “It’s not like I don’t plan on getting a ring. We’re going shopping in the week to look—”

“No, no, no.” Fee looked mortified. “You can’t let Mya pick her own ring, it’s bad luck.”

“Well, I’m glad we decided to call our friends and share our happy news with them.”

“Ignore them,” Hailee said. “I think it’s great news. I’m so happy for you both.”

“Thank you.” Mya leaned her head on my shoulder.

“Have you talked about wedding plans yet?”

“Seriously?” I balked. “I didn’t even get a ring...”

Mya dug her fingers into my ribs, and I yelped. “No, we haven’t,” she said. “Sometime after graduation. We’re in no rush.”

“You’re the last man standing now, Cam,” I smirked. “You know that, right? It’s time you upped your game.”

“Ash...” Hailee warned.

“Relax, he knows I’m joking.”

“Trust me, when I do finally pop the question, I’ll make sure to have an actual ring.”

“Burn,” Jason hissed, unable to hide his amusement.

“Okay, this has been nice and all, but I want some alone time with my fiancée.”

“Not until you put a ring on—”

I hit end call and dropped my cell on the counter, pulling Mya around to me.

“Ash, that was rude.”

“Nah, they get it.” Cameron and Jason were as infatuated with their girlfriends as I was with Mya. They understood what it was like to want to bury yourself so deep inside her, you didn’t know where you ended, and she began.

“I need you, Mya.” Heat coursed through my veins.

“Well, I’m right here.” She licked her lips.

I prowled toward her and ran my hand along the curve of her neck. “Mine,” I breathed.

Mya’s breath caught, her eyes fluttering closed. “Is this real life?” she whispered.

“Does this feel like real life?” I asked her, leaning in to swipe my tongue over her salty sweet skin.

She reached for me, curling her hands into my Temple U hoodie. Without warning, I slipped my hands to the backs of Mya’s thighs and hoisted her against me. Her legs wound around my hips and she shrieked with surprise. Spinning us around, I dropped her on the counter and pushed myself between her thighs. “I love you, Mya. Today, tomorrow, and all the days after.”

“Show me...”

Oh, I would.

I intended on showing her all night long.


“Hey, Mya,” Sally looked up from her desk. “The boys are running late.”

“Everything okay?” I frowned.

“I think Hugo had a bad day at school. Mariah said some kids have been giving him a hard time.”

“They’re six.”

“I know, right? Kids can be so cruel. But hopefully seeing you will cheer him up.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.”

“Hey, none of that. You’re making a difference, Mya. You just have to trust the process. Be there. Show up. These kids need to learn to trust adults again.”

“You’re right.” I nodded.

“And who knows, maybe today will the day he decides to use his words.”

But it wasn’t.

As soon as Hugo and his brothers arrived at the center, it was apparent that whatever had gone down had made him even less willing to engage.

But I wouldn’t quit. I would be patient. I would wait. And eventually—hopefully—I would help.

Another week passed, and I was no closer to getting Hugo to open up to me.

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