To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,51

I watched as he stroked my fingers. “We can figure this out with your mom, okay? Together.”


“Sparkles. When I saw you tonight with Dorian, looking how you did, all I could think was, ‘What did that man do to my Sparkles?’ And no, I don’t mean it possessively. I’d never pull you from one bad relationship into another. But the reason I like you so much isn’t because you’re who I want you to be, it’s because you’re who you want to be.” He ran his fingers through my hair. “He can’t control you if you don’t let him.”

“Max, he controls too much of my life. Me not going back out there tonight…shit, I don’t even know what he’s going to do.”

He pulled me to him, wrapped his arms around me, and just feeling him calmed me. “We’re going to do whatever we have to so you can be free again—that’s what we’re going to do.”

I wanted to believe him. Last time when I had to run from Dorian, I had nobody. It was me all alone. But it felt different now. I trusted Max, and I knew he’d help me, and if seeing how Atlas reacted tonight was anything to go on, Dorian failed in making my friends betray me.

“Okay, I need to get Tank.” I leaned back and hummed when Max kissed me.

“I spoke with Nolan; he has Mr. Mighty tonight. You’re coming home with me. I mean, if you want. I just don’t think you going to your apartment—where Dorian is either waiting for you or having the place watched so someone can report when you arrive—is such a good idea.”

He had a good point and I really did love his house. “Your mom won’t mind?”

“Pfft, she’ll love it. But, if you think you’re getting out of there without being bombarded by my sisters this time, it’ll never happen.” He chuckled, and it felt good to laugh with him.

“Fair enough. I suppose I should meet your whole family. I mean, they deserve my sympathies for dealing with you all these years.”

He pushed me so I fell against the couch cushion. “I changed my mind, no family time for you.”

I laughed and grabbed his arm as he tried to get by me. “No, I must. I need this.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Need to what? Make my life hell for the next decade by giving my family harassment fodder? News flash, Sparkles, they do fine on their own, no need to assist them.”

I was laughing so hard, I was gasping for air. He shook me off, but I could see the joy in his eyes, so I didn’t worry that he was serious.

“Max, sweet, hot, sexy Max,” I crooned as I followed him over to the coat hook.

“Here, you’ll need to wear these. I rode my bike and your Jeep isn’t here, so you’ll be cold without them.” He tossed me a big fluffy sweat shirt, a hat, and a pair of gloves.

“So you are taking me to your family?” I beamed and he rolled his eyes.

“I’m having regrets,” he said as he shoved the hat on my head until it covered my eyes.

“You’re such a delight.” I lifted it up, glad when he smiled.

“I am, you’re right.” He patted my cheek and walked out. I followed, feeling lighter than I had all day.

When we got to Max’s, the house was actually quiet. I could smell whatever had been cooked earlier in the evening and the faint aroma of cinnamon told me there was dessert somewhere in this house.

“It smells so good in here,” I whispered.

“Ma cooks a lot. Let’s raid the kitchen.” He winked, and my stomach took that moment to rumble. I hadn’t eaten all day. Dorian had offered, but I was too nauseous for food.

Max opened the fridge and took out what appeared to be a pasta dish and a covered salad. I asked if I could help, but he told me to go sit at the small table in the nook beside the kitchen. So, I did. Through the window, the trees were only dark shadows in the yard. The moon was full, and I could see there was a pool back there, but it was covered, and I made a mental note to check it all out in the morning.

“Here you go.” Max came over to me and put a plate of pasta, fresh bread, and salad in front of me. “Let me get mine. Water good?”

“Yes, thanks.”

It smelled amazing, and I wanted to Copyright 2016 - 2024