To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,50

Dorian, and when Dorian released the leash, he darted over toward where he knew there was an entrance to the bar. Atlas was keeping Dorian busy, so I grabbed Sparkles’s hand and guided him to the back room.


“Before you talk, I want you to hear me, okay?” He nodded. “I don’t want to hear you apologize or make an excuse for him. I don’t want you to feel ashamed or worried that I’ll think differently of you. What I want is for you to tell me how I get you out of whatever situation this is you’re in.”

“Max…” He tried to speak, but a sob came out instead. There was no stopping it at that point. He cried, his body shook, and without thinking about anything, I scooped him up into my arms and made my way to the storage room. I had a big couch I often napped on or just went to when I needed to get away.

I sat with Sparkles cradled in my arms. The squeaking sound of his outfit irritated me, and I wanted to tear it from his body and wrap him in a blanket. I just waited him out; I let him cry and release all the emotions of the day. I placed gentle kisses on his head and let him know I was there.

He cried himself to sleep right there in the storage room. There was no way I was waking him up to go back out there, and I also wasn’t letting Dorian get near him. I clicked my mic on and, careful not to wake Sparkles, told whoever was listening that Sparkles was with me and wouldn’t be returning to the floor and to let Dorian know. No one protested, and when Atlas said he’d gladly inform him, I knew he’d enjoy it.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I could feel warmth seeping into my bones as I began to wake. My body didn’t feel restricted, and the scent of mint and vanilla tickled my senses. When I moved slightly, I didn’t hear the creaking sound of the suit Dorian had made me wear. Instead soft cotton caressed my flesh, and a rumbling sound echoed in my ear. Peeking up, I saw Max with his head resting against the couch and eyes closed. His brow was crinkled, and his mouth was set to a frown in an expression of serious concentration.

Gently, I brought my hand over his stomach and up toward his chest. He sighed, and his breath gusted out. When Max brought me to the storage room, I thought it would be to criticize me about my outfit and being here with Dorian. But the second he’d asked me what he could do to get me out of it, it was like the dam burst, and once I started crying, I couldn’t stop.

“Hey.” Max’s voice was rough with sleep, and I smiled when he met my gaze. A softness fluttered with worry appeared there.

“Hi. What time is it?”

He lifted his hand so I could read his watch. It showed one in the morning. I’d been asleep for hours.

“Oh no, Dorian!” I sat up and immediately realized the reason I felt so comfortable was because Max rested beside me, and I was wearing sweat pants and a T-shirt. I vaguely remembered Max changing me as I slept. I tried helping but he told me to relax—he was just getting me into comfy clothes.

“He’s gone, Sparkles.”

“Gone? How, where?” It felt as if my heart was going to leap out of my chest. “My mom.”

Max tilted his head regarding me. “Your mom?”

“The reason I was wearing that outfit and why my hair is sprayed black is because Dorian told me if I didn’t do it, he’d buy the facility my mother is at and do everything in his power to either get her removed or staff it so her time there was torturous. I didn’t know how true it was, and I still don’t because I had no time to investigate it. So, I figured I’d do whatever tonight and deal with it in the morning.” As I said the words, I realized exactly what Dorian had done to me tonight. I wasn’t sure Max did until he spoke.

“So, he forced you back into the life you ran from? Being his toy, for what? For some power struggle? To lord his money over you and embarrass you in front of your friends? Abusers do that, Sparkles, and he has no right.” He sat up and took my hand. Copyright 2016 - 2024