To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,49

of the doubt and trust he could handle it, but it’s been awhile since I spoke with him and I have a bad feeling, and I know if he was in trouble, you’d be the one he’d want to help him.”

I wasn’t so sure about that, because helping Sparkles would mean doing something drastic that would change our lives forever.

“I don’t know how to help him right now. Where is he?”

“I’m not sure where he is right now, but I’m sure you’ll see him tonight. He said Dorian was taking him there. So, keep an eye out and…” Nolan sighed.

“I’ll take care of him.”


After I hung up, I turned my mic on and told Ciro and the rest of them that if any of them saw Sparkles come into the club to tell me immediately. I was glad none of them made stupid jokes like they often did whenever I mentioned Sparkles’s name. I went back to the bar and began serving people drinks. My eyes constantly scanned the place over and over, but with so many bodies in front of the bar, it would be hard to spot anyone.

It was a good two hours into the night when Ciro’s voice crackled through my earpiece. “Sparkles is here…shit, Max, promise you’ll stay behind the bar.”

I didn’t know what that meant, but it was clear he’d vocalized that to everyone with an earpiece, because Atlas came walking over to me, and Toby and a few others began standing by the bar.

“What the hell do you think I’ll do?” I asked Atlas as he stood next to me.

“I saw him on the cameras.”

Shit. What wasn’t he telling me? Was Sparkles hurt? “What’s going on?”

“Just promise you’ll stay behind the bar. I can’t afford another brawl in here.”

I nodded. “Fine.” When Atlas didn’t move, I knew he didn’t believe me, and maybe he was right not to. He’d seen Sparkles, and I hadn’t.

I kept scanning the bar, knowing that if Dorian was with Sparkles, he’d make sure I saw it. Sure enough, after a few minutes Dorian stepped into view. I couldn’t see Sparkles.

“Blood and Sand for me and, what would you like, pet?” Dorian turned to the side and brought Sparkles forward.

My eyes widened, and I ground my teeth together. Rage like no other blurred my vision. Sparkles’s pink hair was now black; he was devoid of all his makeup and wearing some sort of red leather outfit. He had a rhinestone collar and a leash hanging from it. I followed the lead to see it wrapped around Dorian’s hand. Sparkles didn’t say anything as he stared at me, but the pain that radiated in his gaze told me all I needed to know. I was going to kill Dorian Birch.

“I know what Sparkles likes, you piece of shit,” I said but he only laughed.

“Oh, yes, of course you do. As do I. He’ll have a water with lime.”

I turned and got everything for Dorian’s Blood and Sand. I did the whole show for him, he smiled, and then I went to get Sparkles his. I wasn’t giving him water. He loved his watermelon margaritas, and that was what I’d be making him.

When I pushed it toward him, Dorian stopped me. “That’s not what I ordered.”

“It’s on the house, and it’s not for you.” I met Sparkles’s gaze. A small smile played on his lips, which made me feel a little better.

“He won’t be drinking alcohol tonight.” Dorian pushed the drink back to me, and that was when Atlas stepped in.

“When I lifted the ban, I did so at the request of Sparkles. If you continue to treat my establishment like some amusement park and Sparkles here with disrespect, there will be nobody in this town that will ever convince me to let you return to my club. So, I suggest you let Max give Sparkles his drink, and you thank whatever God you pray to that I haven’t had my security kick you out yet.”

Dorian’s face turned a bright, angering red. I smiled wide as he handed Sparkles his drink, but instantly frowned when I saw Sparkles take a tiny sip and look down. What the fuck was going on here?

“Sparkles, can I talk to you for a minute?” I said and Dorian shot me a glare.

“Aren’t you working?” Dorian sneered.

“I can take a break, isn’t that right, Boss?” I looked at Atlas who gave me a curt nod, never taking his eyes off Dorian. “Great. Sparkles, a word?”

Sparkles glanced at Copyright 2016 - 2024