To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,52

devour it, but I waited for Max to return and when he did, he told me to dig in. We sat in silence eating, with just some small talk, and where it would be weird with anyone else, it felt comfortable with Max.

After we ate, I followed him upstairs, and he still had the toothbrush I’d used last time by the sink, which I used and cleaned up. The spray in my hair wasn’t permanent, and in the morning I’d ask Max if I could use his shower and wash it out.

“Come on.” Max was in bed when I got out of the bathroom, and he held the sheets open for me.

I cuddled against him, kissed his lips, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep again.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I woke to the most incredible feeling. My body tingled with immense pleasure, and my brain felt like it was misfiring from the amazing suction around my cock. Looking to my right, I saw Sparkles wasn’t there, but there was movement under the sheets, and the sounds of humming were purely him.

“Damn,” I whispered.

He chuckled but didn’t stop. He cupped my balls, massaging them as he licked, sucked, and kissed my cock. I lifted the sheet and was greeted with his beautiful cyan eyes glittering with lust as he looked at me. I could see how he had his hand working his own dick, and just the sight had me practically coming.

“Sparkles, I’m gonna come, you might want to get up.”

He didn’t; he just doubled his efforts, and my vision got fuzzy as my orgasm rose. I roared as I came in his mouth. There was no way my family didn’t hear me, and I knew I’d get an earful, but I couldn’t find myself to care as Sparkles kissed his way up my chest until he hovered over me.

“Morning,” he said with a smile.

“Good morning.”

He chuckled, and I loved the sound of it. “There’s no way your family didn’t hear you.”

“I know.” I lifted up, kissing his swollen lips. “Want me to make you feel as wonderful as I do right now?”

He shook his head. “Oh, I came. I’m feeling pretty good right now.”

The sound of feet on steps turned Sparkles’s happiness into worry. “I don’t want to meet your sisters like this.”

“You said last time you wanted to get them in trouble. If they walk in on us now, Ma will maim them.”

His lip quirked. “Yeah, but my hair. I need to wash out the black dye. They must at least meet me with my pink hair. It’s customary.”

I was glad to hear it wasn’t a permanent color. “Okay, if you run now, you can make it to the bathroom before that door opens.”

I laughed so hard as I watched Sparkles move faster than I thought humanly possible. At the same time the bathroom door closed, my bedroom door opened. Maria stood there, eyes scanning my room.

“Where is he?”

“Bathroom, about to shower.” I folded my arms behind my head, smirking when she frowned.

“Is he even real?” she asked just as the water turned on.

“Unless I have a hygienic ghost in my bathroom, I’d say he’s real. Now leave before I tell Ma you were gawking all over him.”

She gasped in horror, but it was enough of a threat to get her to flee. About fifteen minutes later, Sparkles walked out with a towel around his waist. His black hair was now the pretty pink that was his trademark.

“Are they gone?”

I got out of bed and loved how he stared at my naked form. “Just one of them—Maria—and yes.”

He nodded, his eyes glued to my cock. “Well, bathroom is all yours.”

When I was standing in front of him, I placed my finger under his chin and lifted his head up until his gaze met mine. “If you keep looking at me like that, we’ll give my family more to talk about as I push you against that wall and fuck you.”

“I’m fine with that,” he said, and I chuckled.

“I’ll be sure to remember that.” I kissed him and went to the bathroom to get ready to face the firing squad.

“So how long have you been dancing?” Maria asked at the same time Frances asked, “What is the real color of your hair?”

The two were firing questions at Sparkles faster than he could keep up, but he didn’t seem flustered with it. He took it in stride.

“Since I was a kid, and my real color is blond, though might I say—never ask Copyright 2016 - 2024