Dead of Winter (Cold Case Psychic #15) - Pandora Pine Page 0,81

have her in our lives. She’s the grandmother Everly and the others deserve. Not to mention what she saves us in childcare worries.”

“Your secret is safe with me.” Ten tugged on his tie, it was a bit too tight for his liking. “What’s our plan tonight?” He was nervous as hell.

“Well, you need to get your nerves under control for a start. Your hand is shaking so hard that you’re starting to rile me up in the trouser department.”

“A good stiff breeze gets you riled up in the trouser department.” Ten found an easy laugh.

“True.” Ronan grinned. “As for tonight, act like we’re there to have a good time. Eat, drink, and be merry with our friends, but keep your eyes open for Kyle Danner and Lisa McRoy.”

Ten didn’t know what he’d been expecting in terms of a pep talk from Ronan. His husband’s words didn’t make him feel much better. His gift wasn’t giving him any concrete idea of what was going to happen tonight.

The Salem Country Club was glittering. White lights were strung up around every tree and the building. With the little bit of snow they’d gotten the other day, it looked like a winter wonderland. The young valet parking attendant who took Ronan’s keys looked like Christmas had come early for him. “Have fun, kid.” Ronan grinned at the boy. “Just not too much fun.”

“Yes, sir.” The boy’s eyes were spinning as he got into the driver’s seat of the red 1969 Ford Mustang.

Ronan handed their invitation to the hostess as they walked into the club. He picked up Ten’s hand and led him into the ballroom. “Your hand is sweating.”

“I told you I was nervous.” Ten plastered on a fake smile as he passed Salem’s mayor. Jesus Christ, the mayor was here. He whispered a prayer that there wasn’t going to be a scene in front of him.

“Ronan’s right, Tenny. You need to chill out,” Bertha Craig said from behind him.

“Wow, you look amazing!” Bertha was dressed in a glittering blue ball gown which brought out her eyes.

“I only wish Handsome could see me now.” Bertha grinned at Ronan, who looked as if he knew something was up.

“Bertha’s here, isn’t she?” Ronan whispered.

Ten nodded. “She’s a stunner.” He winked at Bertha.

“Of course she is,” Ronan agreed. “Does our girl have any information about the killer?”

Bertha shook her head solemnly. “I’m going to stick close to Lisa McRoy. I haven’t been able to contact Jennifer or Heidi’s spirit, and I haven’t seen Skye here either.”

“I feel like something big is going to happen, but I don’t know what it is.” No matter what he did, Ten couldn’t shake that feeling.

“I’m getting that same thing,” Bertha agreed.

“I’m glad you’re here,” Ten said.

“I’ll be back if I get any more information. Toodles!” With a cheery wave, Bertha was gone.

“There you are,” Carson hugged Tennyson. “We were beginning to wonder if you’d scrapped the plan to be here tonight so the two of you could go to bed early.”

“I’m ready to go whenever you are, wife.” Truman grinned

“Truman’s parents are having the kids over for a sleepover.” Carson wore a worried look on his face. “Truman thinks I’m being ridiculous, but I have a feeling the kids are going to end up in their own beds before the night is over. My in-laws aren’t as cuddly as my husband.”

“All the more reason to leave early.” Truman waggled his eyebrows.

“I haven’t seen Lisa or Kyle Danner yet.” Carson had lowered the tone of his voice.

“But we have seen Jude and Cope. They haven’t stopped dancing with each other since they got here.” Truman pointed in their direction.

“I think that sounds like a good idea.” Ronan took Tennyson’s hand and led him out on the dance floor.

“We don’t have time for this,” Ten whispered.

“Yes, we do. Your mother told us to have a little fun. That’s exactly what I intend to do until the shit hits the fan.”

“You think it’s going to?” Ten sure as hell did.

“We both know something’s bound to happen tonight. It’s the reason we’re here.” Ronan dipped Tennyson, kissing him hard.

“Showoffs!” Jude said when Ronan pulled Tennyson back to his upright position.

“Jealous?” Ten laughed as Ronan twirled him around.

A low murmuring started toward the entrance to the ballroom.

“What is it?” Ten asked, using Ronan for balance as he stood on tiptoe.

“Someone important is here. I can’t see over everyone else.”

“It’s our last surviving friend,” Fitzgibbon said, coming up behind them. “I was on my way out of Copyright 2016 - 2024