Dead of Winter (Cold Case Psychic #15) - Pandora Pine Page 0,80

sometimes I think we’re rivals too. I’m a jerk. I admit it.” Cisco looked truly repentant.

“I don’t want your job, Cisco. I’m not going to lie, I miss being a detective, but I love my family too much to put them in danger like this.” It was all true. No matter how much gratification he found in locking up murderers, it wasn’t worth not being home to tuck Everly into bed.

“Do you want me to put a car on your house too?”

Ronan sighed. He knew Tennyson would hate this. “Maybe on the neighborhood. With Wolf across the street and Aurora half a block down, I want to make sure everyone is protected. Who knows what lengths this killer is willing to go to in order to keep their secret?”

“You got it. If there’s anything else you need, let me know.”

“Same goes for you and Luca. If you need references for the adoption, Ten and I would be happy to help in any way we can.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Cisco’s dark eyes were glassy with unshed tears.

“That’s my cue to leave.” Ronan grinned. He was fine dealing with Tennyson’s emotions and sometimes his own, but watching Cisco dissolve into a puddle of goo over the thought of becoming a father was too much. He waved to the police chief on his way out the door.

The minute the door shut behind him, Ronan turned his mind back to the case. He had none of Tennyson’s psychic gifts, but something told him the Washington case was going to come to a head tomorrow night at the gala.



Ronan looked amazing in his tuxedo. Good enough to eat, Tennyson would say, if his mother wasn’t sitting at the kitchen table surrounded by Everly, Aurora, and Wolf.

“I don’t want to worry you, Kaye, but there will be a patrol car outside the house all night. Keep all of the windows and doors locked and do not open the door for anyone. Call the police if anything seems suspicious. Oh, and last but not least, do not take cookies to the officer sitting outside.”

Kaye rolled her eyes. “For goodness sake, Ronan. We’ve been over this a dozen times. I won’t leave the house or let anyone in. You’d think I was a rookie at having a crime-solving son-in-law.”

Ronan’s chest puffed out. “If that’s true, then why are your baking supplies out?” Ronan pointed to the canisters sitting in the middle of the kitchen island.

“I was going to bake muffins for breakfast.” Kaye shrugged and grabbed the tallest canister holding the flour. “But if you don’t want fresh blueberry muffins for breakfast, I won’t bother.”

“Blueberry muffins are my favorite.” Ronan gave Kaye a big hug.

Tennyson couldn’t believe his eyes. Not only was Ronan hugging Kaye, but the dragon queen was hugging him back. Would miracles never cease? “I don’t know how late we’ll be, Mom.” Ten knew this wasn’t going to be the fun night out the gala invitation said it would be. Something was going to happen. Something big. Knowing Kaye was here with the babies would take a big weight off his mind.

“I’ll be here, no matter what. You go and have a good time. Try to have a little fun before the fireworks start.”

“Fireworks?” Ronan asked. “Do you have a bit of the sight, Kaye?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Ronan. I’ve been around the two of you long enough to know things rarely go to plan when you’re working on a case.” Kaye looked Tennyson up and down before moving on to Ronan. She reached up to straighten his bow tie. “There, you’re both perfect. Now scram, you’re already running late.”

“Thanks, Mom. We’ll call later.” Ten grabbed Ronan’s arm and steered him toward the living room. His husband was looking a little shell shocked.

“What the hell just happened?” Ronan asked when he’d pulled the car onto the street.

“What do you mean?” Tennyson knew what Ronan meant. He just wanted to hear his husband say the words.

“Kaye was…” Ronan paused. “Nice. I mean what the hell was that? She’s been a prickly thorn in my side from the minute we met, and now she’s gone soft. Is she dying? Am I dying?”

Laughing, Ten set a hand on Ronan’s thigh. “No one’s dying, Ronan. I think Mom’s just reached the point where she’s thankful for this new life. We made her a grandmother and invited her into our lives with no bad blood or guilt trips.”

Ronan nodded. “Don’t tell her I said this, but I’m happy to Copyright 2016 - 2024