Dead of Winter (Cold Case Psychic #15) - Pandora Pine Page 0,82

the men’s room when she arrived. With the way the crowd is responding to her, we may not get much of a chance to speak to her.”

Ronan shook his head. “I disagree. If she really is the last surviving friend, she’ll be interested in grabbing one of us for a chat. If she’s the killer, she’ll want to boast. Narcissists always pull that sort of shit.”

Ten had seen firsthand proof of that behavior in the past.

“It’s definitely Lisa. She’s gladhanding the crowd like she’s Princess Diana, minus the tiara.” Fitzgibbon rolled his eyes. “She’s headed straight for us.”

“Being head and shoulders above the crowd has its advantages.” Ronan grinned up at his friend, who was a good three inches taller.

Tennyson had locked on to Lisa McRoy. He could feel her worry over the Skye Washington case warring with this moment that was better than being named to the prom court in 1986. Everyone deserved their fifteen minutes of fame, Ten supposed, but Lisa was acting like the belle of the ball, as if all these people were here to see her. It was more likely the crush of people were here to get the latest gossip on what really happened to Jennifer Baldwin Blake.

“You’ve got that right,” Cope whispered to Ten. “It’s all people have been whispering about all night.”

“Vultures, the whole lot of them,” Jude added.

“Here she comes.” Fitzgibbon executed a perfect bow. He picked up Lisa’s hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lisa, but it’s a shame under the circumstances.”

“Yes, it is, Captain Fitzgibbon.” Lisa’s triumphant look momentarily lapsed into something in the neighborhood of sadness, minus glassy eyes or any true emotion. She was resplendent in a red sequin dress that reminded Tennyson of Julia Roberts at the opera in Pretty Woman.

“Allow me to introduce my friends,” Kevin began.

“There’s no need. Ronan and Tennyson are household names in Salem. Jude and Copeland are keeping The Witch City safe from all of its skeletons in the closet, while Carson and Truman are the men behind West Side Magick and West Side Sweets.” Lisa shook hands as she named everyone off.

Tennyson wasn’t impressed with her parlor tricks. Ronan and Kevin had been calling Lisa for days. All it took was an internet connection to find out who everyone was and what role they were playing in the Skye Washington case.

Lisa turned to Ronan. “I appreciate you having the Salem Police Department assign me a security detail. After the deaths of my dearest friends…” Lisa paused. Unshed tears caused her eyes to glisten under the bright lights of the ballroom.

Her tears weren’t the only things glittering. Lisa’s entire dress sparkled, making her noticeable from every angle. There was sincerity in her voice. Ten might not like Lisa, but she was genuine in her thanks.

“I knew Heidi was sick, poor dear, but I’ve been hearing the most awful rumors.” She sidled closer to Ronan, with a conspiratorial look on her face.

“What rumors would those be?” Ronan offered Lisa his million-watt smile.

Christ, they were all pouring it on thick. Ten was going to need a stiff drink after Ronan and Fitzgibbon finished fawning over Lisa, who may or may not be the killer. When he tried to read her, Ten was getting a jumble of emotions speeding past him all at once, like an out-of-control locomotive.

“I’ve heard Heidi was murdered.” A delicate hand fluttered to Lisa’s chest. It was adorned with a ruby bracelet.

“As a deputized member of the Salem Police Department, I’m not at liberty to say if that’s true or not.” Ronan’s chest puffed out a bit further. He was using every ounce of his charm to get Lisa to trust him.

Lisa pouted. She reminded Tennyson of Everly when he told her it was time for bed. Next would come foot stomping or an outraged shriek. Ten was curious to see which toddler tactic Lisa would opt for.

“I understand, of course, Captain O’Mara.” Lisa’s blue eyes danced as she smiled at Ronan, taking his arm. “Why don’t I introduce you to the mayor?” Without giving Ronan a chance to object, she led him away.

“Is anyone going to go rescue him?” Jude asked on a laugh.

“Ronan’s a big boy. He knows how to handle himself with slick women.” Kevin turned to Ten, Carson, and Cope in turn. “Anything?”

All three psychics shook their heads. “I was getting a rollercoaster of emotions from her,” Carson said.

“So was I,” Cope confirmed.

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