A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,39

eyes went wide. “She didn’t.”

“She did. Not as sweet as she appears. Whispered it to me as she handed me my coat.”

“You didn’t—”

“Of course I didn’t get her fired. I’m not a monster.”

She frowned, crossing her arms. Obviously, she thought otherwise.

“You grew up in the slums, although I doubt you lived there your entire life. You hate carrots—”

“How?” she demanded. “How can you know that?”

She sounded angry and astonished all at once. “The soup that came back this afternoon. You’d eaten everything but carrots.”

“You’re checking my food?” Her jaw clenched. She was furious. “I don’t understand why you bother. What is it you want from me? Surely there are more beautiful women you could abuse.”

Wind howled menacingly outside. “Why do I bother to know you?”

She nodded. Damn, but she looked so bloody innocent and nervous, I almost felt guilty. Almost.

“Because that’s what men and their mistresses do. They learn each other’s likes, dislikes. They learn how to please each other.” I strolled toward the fireplace. “Having a mistress, being a mistress…it is not wrong, Ginny. In fact, it’s rather accepted. Mistresses are treated like queens.”

She released a wry laugh. “Now you want me? I offered myself to you in your library three days ago.”

“Not that way.” I turned to face her. “I want to win you, Ginny. I don’t want to beat you down until you agree. I want you to come willingly.”

I could see the look of confusion, indecision in her eyes. “Why would I ever do that?”

“Because I can offer you the world. You can sleep on fine linens; you’ll never go hungry. And the pleasure I’ll show you…”

She looked at the floor, nudging her slippered foot into the carpet. “You shouldn’t speak that way.”

I hesitated, wondering exactly how much of her innocence was an act. “You do know about pleasure, don’t you?”

Her angry gaze jumped to me. “Of course I do. I’m not a dunce. I grew up where the walls were so thin you could hear everything. Where people are so miserable, they take their pleasure everywhere and anywhere.”

The flush of heat that infused my body left me aching and frustrated. God, I wanted to take her everywhere and anywhere. “Good. Then there’ll be no virginal fainting.”

“And what would happen should I say no to your offer?”

I ignored her comment. “When it’s over for us, which, naturally this relationship will end, you will have your own townhome, a staff, an allowance. A life of ease.”

It sounded completely rational to me. Why wouldn’t she accept a life of luxury over a life of servitude? I was hardly a toad. I could offer her whatever she desired. She wanted me, that was obvious. It seemed like bloody common sense.

“But I’ll be shunned.”

The emotion in her voice pulled to me. I started toward her, determined to understand this woman. “You’ll find new friends. Friends who are not as judgmental.”

She looked up at me, her arms wrapped tightly across her chest. “Other mistresses.”

Just like that my annoyance fled. I paused only a foot away. Her sweet, soapy scent swirled around me, tempting and taunting. Unable to stop myself, I reached out, brushing a silky lock of black hair behind her ear. Those blue eyes grew dark, her breath hitched. I didn’t miss the way she swayed toward me. We were drawn to each other. This attraction was mutual. She wanted me. She wanted a life of ease. She wanted the pleasure I’d bring, she just wouldn’t admit it.

“Then think of your loved ones. With money of your own, you would be able to help them. Feed them. Clothe them.”

“That’s not fair,” she whispered. “To use that against me.”

“When did I ever give you the indication that I played fair?” I cupped the sides of her face and lowered my head. “I play to win, Ginny.”

My lips caught hers in a hard, demanding kiss. She stiffened in a moment of maidenly modesty. But as my tongue slid across her bottom lip, she opened with a moan. It was all I needed.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her up tight to me. Her heart beat strong and sure against my chest. Hell, she was warm, lush, utterly divine. Deepening the kiss, I thrust my tongue into her mouth. With a shiver, she sank into me, her body relaxing trustingly. This is what I wanted, needed. It was a taste of heaven. A moment of bliss. The entire world fell away when she was near. Her hands crept up my back.

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