A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,38

for her wrap, clasping the fine material in front of her. “I wish to leave now.”

I narrowed my eyes, studying her. That defiant tilt of her chin, those flashing blue eyes, the way the firelight pierced her nightdress and showed the roundness of her hips. I’d thought her pretty enough when I’d first seen her. Now, I found her stunning. “Where will you go?”

She punched her arms through the sleeves of her wrap. “Why do you care?”

Why did I care? Because she intrigued me. Because my life had been completely mundane before she’d arrived, because she was the only person in my life who was completely honest. Chris would say she was a new toy that I’d soon grow bored of. Perhaps he was correct. But I planned to enjoy her for however long she intrigued me. “I suppose because I want you, to be blunt.”

Those high cheekbones stained pink. “You hate me, as I hate you.”

I had to resist the urge to smile. Neither of us hated each other. “Perhaps. But hate is a strong emotion. When funneled in the correct direction that passion could be used for other, more pleasant pursuits.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Am I nothing more to you than someone to fuck?”

My immediate reaction was to deny her vulgar accusation. However, she was right. Wasn’t she? Perhaps I’d sought her out because I’d wanted to disrupt my parent’s plans. But I also wanted her. Wanted her naked, in my bed, moaning underneath me. Wanted to make her mine.

She paced to the windows. It was snowing, large flakes that brushed across the glass. “The maid said you took care of me at night. I thought she was lying. Now I know she was. The thought of you taking care of anyone but yourself is laughable.”

I wasn’t sure why her words annoyed me. I was a lord, for God’s sake. My father had not taught me to be kind, caring. There was no room for it in high society. When you cared, people took advantage of you. “You’re right. I couldn’t possibly care enough about anyone but myself. While you knocked on death’s door, I was sleeping quite soundly in my own bed.”

That seemed to appease her. She wanted to think me the rake. So be it. Perhaps I did not flaunt my conquests as Christopher did, but I supposed I would fit the definition. I reached out and picked up the book she’d been reading. Ancient Astronomy. A familiar book I’d been wanting to read for weeks, but hadn’t had the chance. Why in the bloody hell was she reading about astronomy? Slowly, I lifted my gaze to her. She flushed, looking out the window.

“An astronomer, are you?”

I could see her glare in the reflection of the window, in the way her shoulders stiffened. A neighbor might notice her standing there. Word would get out.

She shrugged. “Perhaps I am. Is that so shocking? There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.”

I leaned back in my chair, the book in hand and studied her. A maid who spoke with a refined voice. A maid who understood German, according to Landcaster. A maid who read about astronomy. “How old are you? Nineteen?”

She didn’t respond.


She gave a quick jerk of her head.

“Qui es-tu?”

“No one,” she said. “I am no one.”

She didn’t just speak German, she also spoke French. An irrational surge of anger swept through me. I felt betrayed. Tricked, in some way. Hell, was she even truly a maid, or someone attempting to crawl her way up into society? Slowly, I stood. “Oh, I don’t think so. I don’t think you’re some simple maid at all.”

She spun around to face me, her hands fisted at her sides. “Do not pretend to understand me. You know nothing about me.”

“You speak German and French. You read about astronomy. You like chocolate. You are very loyal to your friends.”

She released a harsh laugh. “You can’t possibly know that I’m loyal.”

I arched a brow. “You hate being a maid, yet you took the position anyway to be with your friend, Violet Churchill, did you not?”

I could see her pretty mind working, trying to figure out how I’d uncovered the truth. She looked uneasy, ready to bolt. Like me, she didn’t want people prying into her life. I shifted, placing myself between her and the door, just in case.

“By the way, I was at Landcaster’s yesterday and she threatened to cut off my “manly parts,” as she put it, if I hurt you.”


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