A Dangerous Liaison - L.R. Olson Page 0,40

My cock grew hard as steel. She whimpered.

It was too much. She was too much. I tore my mouth from hers and pressed my lips to her cheek, lower to the delicate column of her neck. She sighed. How I adored the noises she made when I kissed her.

“It wouldn’t be so bad, would it?” I murmured.

“What do you want?” she asked breathlessly.

I released a harsh laugh. “Isn’t that obvious?”

“No, I mean what do you want out of life?”

I pulled back. “My parents want me to marry well, to make connections. They’re desperate to be as important as possible.”

She shook her head. “No, you. What do you want?”

“Me?” I moved back, putting distance between us. No one had ever asked me such a question. “I…I want money. So much money that it would be impossible to be poor.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “You and your family, my lord, sound very shallow.”

“We are. But you, more than anyone, know what it’s like to go without. How incredibly desperate the situation can become when you don’t have money even for food.”

“And you know as well?” she scoffed.

This conversation was becoming too personal too fast. I wanted her so badly it surprised and confused me, but I had my limits. Determined to regain control, I turned away from her. I would not push her, and I sure as hell would answer no more questions. Not tonight. But I had no doubt that in the end, I would win.

“Go to bed,” I said. “Think on my offer.”

I picked up my jacket and headed across the room. At the door, my hand resting upon the latch, I paused and looked over my shoulder. “By the way…did you know you talk in your sleep?”

Ignoring the look of startled confusion upon her face, I left, shutting the door behind me before she noticed my grin.

Chapter 7


Snow persisted into the next day, whispering against the windows and making the room dark and dreary and depressing. I sighed, drawing the fine material of Gabe’s cravat through my fingers as I nestled in the chair near the window. He’d left the small piece of clothing behind the other night. I wasn’t sure why it fascinated me so.

I brought the material close. It still smelled of him.

Barely a soul was outside. Those who dared to war with the weather raced down the icy lane as if dodging gunfire, no doubt cursing their bad fortune. The soft sound of a piano echoed through the house. A mournful melody that mirrored the weather. Who played? The housekeeper? A maid? Or did he hire someone to keep him entertained? Perhaps a female friend visited. The thought made me frown.

I tucked my feet underneath the skirt of my nightgown and drew my robe more tightly together. Although I was a virtual prisoner, I wasn’t stupid enough to wish I was out there. I’d encountered too many cold nights to want to be in one. At times, the sleet could be so bitter that it would soak through your clothing and penetrate your skin, even bones, until you swore you’d never get warm again.

I wondered if Violet was just as grateful right now in the Landcaster home. Did she think of our garret room that leaked? Where the wind bit through the windows and walls until we’d have to huddle together for warmth? I’d written her a letter this morning and waited for a response. I hadn’t explained much in that missive, merely that I’d taken ill and Gabe had been kind enough to allow me to stay. I knew she’d find out the truth soon enough.

The door creaked open. I tore my gaze from the window, surprised to see Gabe. Frantic, I stuffed the cravat into the corner of the chair, hiding it from view. How he’d mock me if he knew I’d been savoring that piece of material.

He stood on the threshold wearing only black trousers and his shirtsleeves and vest. That golden hair was tousled, his face rough with a day’s growth of whiskers. He looked the veritable rake. A fallen angel. Merely seeing him sent my pulse racing. Lovely. So very handsome. I could not deny the warmth that seeped through my body. It was as if I had no control over myself when he was near.

He leaned against the frame and watched me through an arrogant gaze. “How do you feel?”

“Fine.” I placed my book on the small rosewood table next to my chair. “I would feel better if

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