A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,64

in a sharp smile. “You think you’re being funny?”

“Umm...yes?” His smile became sharper. “Or...no?”

He took a step towards her, and she stepped back.

“You know,” the prince purred, “that I’ll make you pay for what you did, don’t you?” He continued stalking forward, and she continued backing away.

“But you know I c-couldn’t help it—-”

“I know,” the prince acknowledged softly.

She started to brighten up.

“But it doesn’t matter though.”

Fawn’s smile faded, her back hit the door, and she cringed, realizing she was trapped.

The prince closed the distance between them, his arms slamming against the door, and she tensed.

“You...” His head started to lower, and oh, the way he looked at her made her heart jump for all sorts of reasons.


He didn’t answer, and it terrified her, but oh, if she had to be honest, it thrilled and excited her, too, making her entire body tremble, and that part of her become slowly wet—-

She clutched his shirt. “Prince...” She tried shoving him away, but he was immovable.

Their eyes met one last time.

She blurted out, “Baby?”

The prince froze.

“P-please don’t be mad, baby?”

A flush darkened the prince’s cheeks, and Fawn almost leapt for joy. Oh thank God, thank God that the prince was still into it, for whatever reason.

“C-can we, um, skip the part where you, um, waste time scaring me to death, and instead go, um, straight to the part where we, um, enjoy our time—-” Fawn ended gasping as the prince lifted her up, and even as her heart beat madly against her chest, she automatically clung to him, her arms going around his neck and her legs wounding around his waist.

Turning around, he brought her back to his table, and with one strong sweep of his arm sent almost every object on his desk flying. Only the phone remained, with everything else tumbling and crashing to the floor. Fawn could only whimper in shock, finding the prince’s actions both seriously terrifying and sexy—-

But there wasn’t any time to think about that.

As soon as the prince had her lying on her back on the desk, he took hold of her shirt and ripped it off, and did the same to her bra. She was bared from the waist up in seconds, leaving her mind whirling in a daze at how swiftly things were moving.

To be fair to the prince, a voice drawled out inside her, you did ask for it.

I know that, but I didn’t mean he had to be in a hurry like this—-aah!

The prince had managed to get rid of the buttons and zip of her jeans and was now wrenching it down her legs. By the time she realized he had her jeans tossed behind his back, he was already reaching for her panties—-


But they were gone in a second, ripped into two and joining the rest of her clothes on the floor.

The prince’s hands went to his pants, and she managed to raise herself on her elbows. “W-wait, this is going too fa—-” She swallowed as the prince freed his erection from its restraints, his engorged cock springing free.

Oh God.

And then he was sliding into her, every inch of his throbbing cock disappearing into her pussy, and she moaned, her body arching off the desk sharply at his possession.

As the prince raised her legs to form a wide V in the air, his gaze captured hers, demanding her attention—-

And as soon as she gave it to him, he started pounding into her.

Hard. Fast. Deep.

Holding on to her legs, he pounded into her nonstop, all the while holding her gaze with his, as if he never wanted her to forget who owned her.

“P-prince...oh God...” The force of his thrusts and the vulnerable position of her body left her helpless, and all she could do was hang on to the edges of the desk as the prince continued to fuck her like he wanted the feel of his possession imprinted on every part of her.

The phone suddenly started to ring, but the prince paid it no heed, and neither could she. His cock was making her see stars again, the kind that made her feel like floating all the while twisting her stomach into achingly beautiful knots—-

The call went to the answering machine, and both of them heard a familiar voice say, “Hi, Reid. It’s me, Lilac.”

Oh God!

She hurriedly reached for the phone, thinking it was better to end the call, but in her haste she accidentally hit the answer button instead, and the prince’s eyes widened.

“Reid? Can you hear me?”

Without pausing

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