A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,65

in his thrusts, the prince answered, “Go on.”

Oh God.

Releasing the desk, she quickly covered her mouth, hoping to keep her cries to herself.

Seeing it, the prince smirked, and her eyes widened in alarm.

No, he couldn’t possibly want Lilac to know—-

“And so we’re thinking we should move the event to...”

The prince suddenly withdrew, but before she could start feeling empty, the prince grasped her by the waist and flipped her over. As soon as her breasts flattened against the desk, the prince thrust his cock back into her behind, and in this position he was able to go all the way in until his cock brushed the tip of her womb.

Her eyes rolling back at the sheer pleasure of it, Fawn managed to grasp the edge of the desk just as the prince furiously began pumping his hips against her, his cock pistoning into her—-

Lilac was still speaking, explaining about the changes of the event they were co-hosting with the student council.

Fawn bit her lip hard, desperate to keep silent even as the pace of the prince’s thrusts became rough and savage, brutal to the point that pain and pleasure merged.

The prince began slapping her ass as he thrust into her, and the sound rang loudly in the study, making Fawn frantically shake her head as she looked at him over her shoulder.

Over the phone, Lilac’s voice broke off all of a sudden, and a second after there was faint mumbling in the background, with Lilac seemingly covering the mouthpiece of her phone while she spoke with someone else.

Fawn tried shoving the prince away, desperate not to make more noise, but instead the prince’s hands tightened over her butt, squeezing both cheeks hard before plunging into her hard. Harder. Over and over—-

And finally, his fingers reached around her, pinching her clit—-

Her orgasm shuddered out of her, and Fawn screamed—-

Over the phone, she faintly heard Lilac let out a tiny squeak of shock, followed by the sound of a man’s deep, knowing chuckle.

Oh my God, Nick and Lilac knew – they had to know what she and the prince were doing!

But it was too late.

She could no longer get away from the prince, not when she was still trembling at the waves of pleasure assaulting her body, and certainly not when the prince had also started to come, growling his release as he shot cum into her body, filling her to the brim until cum started to streak down her legs.

When it was over, she whispered faintly, “Lilac?”

Over the phone, they heard Lilac stammer incoherently before her fiancé stepped in, his smirk evident in his Greek-accented voice when he said, “We are definitely still here.”

Holy sweet Jesus!

As her hands flew to cover her face, Fawn heard the prince drawl, “We’ll call you back tomorrow. We’re busy right now.”

Nick Christakos chuckled. “Yes, you probably are. Tomorrow then.” As the call clicked to an end, the prince reached behind him to pull his shirt over his head, and Fawn temporarily forgot her embarrassment as she was treated to the exquisite sight of the prince’s hard chest—-

The shirt came off, and the prince caught Fawn peeking.


He grinned, and she looked away, turning red.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” he purred. “You can stare for as long as you want, but first...” He put his shirt over her body, and it was just large enough to cover her all the way to her knees. Lifting her up, he said huskily, “We’ll continue this in the bedroom.”

“Umm.” How did one pretend not to be excited? Even after all this time, she just couldn’t figure it out!

The prince laughed. “Don’t bother.”

“I d-don’t know what you’re talking about,” Fawn stammered.

“Of course you don’t.” As the prince carried her out of the study and up the stairs, he whispered silkily into her ear, “Do you want another promise?”


Without waiting for her reply, the prince said, “There won’t be a second you won’t be imagining me fucking you.”

And he was right.

The next two weeks were the happiest days of her life even though it also felt like her life had turned into an endless stretch of a tightrope that she had to constantly balance on.

More and more, she fell in love with him, and because she did—-

There was not one day that she didn’t meet with Grant, not one day that she didn’t have her ring on her necklace, not one day that she didn’t ignore the prince’s words about becoming his alone.

As if she were that stupid, Fawn thought painfully. Jealousy might make

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