A Dangerous and Cruel Love - Marian Tee Page 0,63


She could only stare at Grant, realizing that she was looking at a man she no longer knew.

Because he was right.

He had changed.

But then...so had she.

“If you’re really sorry,” she heard herself whisper, “then promise me one thing.”

Grant’s head jerked up.

“Please pretend this never happened.” She smiled tremulously at his stunned gaze. “If it’s t-true, and I’m n-not saying it is, but if it’s true you’re the only reason I can be with him now, then...” She sucked her breath. “Can you please let me stay with him just a little bit longer?” Her own voice broke. “Give me a chance to make him love me, Grant. I’m begging you.”


The prince turned away from the windows in his study as soon as he saw Fawn’s car roll down the driveway. Returning to his seat, he waited tautly for the sound of her footsteps, but when they came—-

He sensed her skulking behind the door, which he had left slightly ajar, and he wondered grimly if it was a sign of guilt that she couldn’t make herself enter his study. Then again, he had no right to be furious, did he?

Hadn’t he been the one to demand Bennett to keep his relationship with Fawn?

When the prince got tired of waiting, he took his wine glass from the table, and as he stared into the dark liquid, he murmured, “Stop peeping and come in.”

There was a squeaking sound of horror, and then she was tiptoeing inside his study. He turned to her as she closed the door, and when she spun to face him, their gazes met.

The prince had changed into casual clothes, a white V-necked shirt and black jeans, and he looked gorgeous.

Fawn gulped.

He also looked mad as hell, and as the prince came to his feet to make his way towards her, Fawn couldn’t help gulping again. Why was he mad?

When he reached her, Fawn’s apprehension got the better of her, and she blurted out, “Sorry!” It didn’t matter that she had no idea what she had done wrong. She had no problems apologizing if that was what it took to make him stop looking at her with those cold green eyes.

When he reached her, stopping less than a foot away, he asked silkily, “Sorry for what?” Before she could even think of answering, he continued, “Sorry for sneaking out of my bed to date your boyfriend?”


When he put it like that, it did sound pretty bad, she thought with another gulp. Raising her gaze to his, she said weakly, “Sorry?”

Green eyes blazed at her.

“R-really sorry?”

His gaze swung downwards, and following it, she was stunned and bemused to see him staring at her engagement ring.

“Get rid of it.”

Her eyes widened.

“Now, dammit.”

His tone made her jump, and she hastily pulled her engagement ring off. Reaching behind her, she hurriedly unclasped her necklace to weave it through her ring—-

“No.” The prince’s captured her hands from behind and forced them down. At the look of bewilderment in her gaze, he said tightly, “I don’t want to see it when you’re with me.” When her mouth opened, he forestalled her words with a hard look. “Get rid of it.”


“I mean it, Fawn.” The mere sight of that ring trapped inside her fist revolted him, and even though he knew he was being unreasonable, he didn’t give a damn. “You spent the night in my bed,” he gritted out savagely, “and I woke up to find you gone, leaving me for Bennett—-”

“We agreed to meet up last night,” she mumbled helplessly. “W-what am I supposed to do?”

“Ditch him,” he growled. “Why do you even have to fucking ask that?”













The prince stared at her. “For one moment there, it almost like you were screaming at me—-” He paused. “If screams didn’t have any noise.”

“Well...” Fawn was breathing hard. “You were i-imagining things.” Opening her fist, she looked down on Grant’s engagement ring and the diamond winked up at her, perfect in a way that her life couldn’t be—-

Yet, Fawn reminded herself doggedly. Her life couldn’t be perfect just yet, but it would be.

“What are you doing?” the prince asked coldly when he saw Fawn get back to unclasping her necklace.

“I promise,” Fawn mumbled without meeting his gaze, “you’ll never know it’s there.” She weaved the necklace through the ring before locking it around her neck. After hiding it under her shirt, she finally allowed herself to look back at the prince—-

The prince stared back at her, his gorgeous face expressionless.

She said weakly, “Voila?”

The prince bared his teeth

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