Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,27

as she hoped the sleeping pills would take effect quickly. “I’m glad he was there, too.”

“He really took care of me,” Delaney started to cry again. “I was so scared. I don’t know what I would have done if he hadn’t gotten there so fast.”

“You’re safe now, Delaney,” Amanda reassured her as she worried about Jack and Greg. “Let’s get you ready for bed, you can stay here with me tonight, okay.”

“Okay, Amanda, thanks,” she responded as she sat up and Amanda unzipped her dress.

“Let’s get this off of you,” Amanda helped Delaney to her feet to undress.

“I’m so tired,” Delaney said as her gown dropped to the floor and Amanda worried she had given her one too many pills. “Where are Jack and Greg,” she forgot what Amanda had told her as she stepped out of her dress.

“They are outside, we needed some privacy,” Amanda made up a story as she helped Delaney into one of her nighties. “Why don’t we get back into bed.”

“Okay,” Delaney didn’t resist in her exhausted state.

I hope they are safe, Amanda remembered the concerned look on Jack’s face when he realized Greg was gone. Please God, let them be okay, she prayed as she got under the covers with Delaney.

“Honey, can I get you anything,” she asked Delaney as she felt her head move to her chest and she put her arms around her.

“No, I’m okay,” she yawned sleepily and repeated herself one last time. “I’m sorry about your heels.”

“Go to sleep honey,” she responded simply as Delaney obeyed her wish and Amanda quietly started to cry.

* * *

I’m not on time, Jack quickly realized as he turned onto Mitch’s road and avoided the cavalcade of cars speeding in the other direction.

“What has he done,” Jack asked himself as he parked behind Greg’s truck and quickly surveyed the landscape as he ran up the stairs, hoping to see Greg amongst a few stragglers fleeing the scene. This can’t be good, Jack thought to himself as he ran through the wide open front door and entered the house

The apparently bombed out living room was eerily quiet as Jack searched for signs of life and was thankful to hear the sounds of sirens approaching in the distance. No one here. Nothing like the crowded parties Mitch’s father had hosted in the past.

Maybe Greg ran like all the other kids, Jack found hope and tried to calm down as he entered the kitchen. Maybe he is safe. But why would his truck still be out front, Jack again realized why he was there.

“Greg,” Jack exclaimed as he entered the game room and saw his lifeless body splayed on the floor. “Greg,” he yelled again as he tried to wake him, kneeling down and listening for his breathing as the sirens grew louder. Don’t touch him, Jack’s first aid training kicked in as he realized the paramedics would be there in a minute and he worried about the gaping wound oozing blood from his head.

Oh my god, he’s not going to make it, Jack finally understood the extent of the tragedy as he touched his neck to check for a pulse.

* * *

“Jack, where are you,” Amanda was relieved after seeing his name flash up on her phone. “Is Greg okay.”

“Try to calm down, Amanda,” Jack replied slowly and she immediately knew something was wrong.

“Tell me what happened,” she whispered as she snuck out of bed without disturbing Delaney.

“It’s going to be okay,” he reassured her. “I’m not quite sure what happened yet, but when I got to the house, everyone was gone.”

“Where was Greg, what did he say,” Amanda panicked as she stepped into the hallway and quietly closed the door.

“Amanda, I need you to stay calm. I am going to tell you what I know.”

“Okay, Jack,” she did her best to follow his instructions.

“Greg is going to be okay, but he is headed to the hospital.”

“Oh my God, what happened.”

“I’m not sure yet. I got there too late and when I found him he was unconscious and it looked like there had been a fight. Thank God the ambulance arrived right after me, and I think he is going to be okay.”

“What do you mean you think he is going to be okay, did you talk to him,” Amanda again started crying.

“I haven’t been able to yet, but he has regained consciousness and that is a good sign. The doctors are going to do some tests, but I need you to do me a favor

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