Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,26

her go with him, he thought of her innocence as he ran up the stairs.

How am I going to do this, Greg asked himself as he arrived at the door and thought about Mitch’s protectors. He might be hard to get to. I’ll find a way, he decided he didn’t need a plan as he pushed open the door.

This isn’t going to be hard at all, Greg surveyed the drunken scene in the living room. Where is that asshole. Im going to find him, Greg was determined as he made his way through the crowd, bypassing the kitchen in favor of the the game room.

There he is, Greg located his victim in the corner of the room just on the other side of the pool table. Hasn’t he had enough, he watched Mitch groping another potential victim and again thought of Delaney. I hope she is okay, he lost focus for a second as his thoughts turned to her.

He pictured her trying to get away as Mitch overwhelmed her. That wasn’t a fair fight, he is twice the size of her. I have no idea how she survived, he again thought of her crying and forgot for a second why he was there. But, Delaney is tough, Greg admired her courage as he refocused on his mission.

“Mitch,” Greg heard his voice echo through the room as the seas parted between him and Delaney’s attacker. “Let the girl go.”

* * *

Never again, Jack thought to himself as he sped toward Mitch’s house and pulled out his phone to dial 911. Why did I let her go with him. Mitch is just like his father, that arrogant prick. This is my fault, he realized as the operator answered his call.

“Operator 911.”

“I need the police,” Jack was brief in his request.

“Sir, where are you located.”

“Tell them to go to Turning Palms.”

“Sir, can you give me an address.”

“No, I can’t, but they’ll know it when they see it,” Jack pictured the scene as he sped around the corner and understood what Greg was feeling. “And you better send an ambulance too.”

“Sir, please stay on the line, the police and ambulance have been dispatched.”

“Thank you,” Jack replied as he ignored her request and tossed the phone on the passenger seat.

I hope I get there before he does something stupid, Jack laid on the gas as Turning Palms came into view. Maybe I’m in time to stop him.

* * *

“What the fuck do you want,” Mitch responded to Greg’s request with that arrogant smirk as he pushed his new girlfriend aside.

Greg didn’t respond as Mitch walked around the pool table and grabbed a pool cue, as if it was going to provide some kind of defense for the beating he was about to administer. The girl and the pool table out of the way, Greg had nothing more to say as he simply stepped towards Mitch.

His progress was quickly stopped by Jeff Gross, Mitch’s best friend and primary protector. I don’t want to waste my time and energy on this overfed asshole, Greg thought to himself as Jeff tried to intimidate him.

“Why don’t you leave before I make you, you little pussy,” Jeff said loud enough for the entire room to hear.

“It’s okay, Jeff,” a drunken Mitch dismissed his bully and slurred his words. “I’m sure Greg just wants to talk.”

“I’m not here to talk,” Greg made his intentions clear and gave Mitch the opportunity to defend himself as Jeff reluctantly stepped out of the way.

“What’s the matter, Greg,” Mitch still didn’t understand the gravity of the situation in his drunken state. “Are you mad because I popped your little girlfriend’s...”

The words had barely left Mitch’s mouth when Greg hit him harder than any Defensive End ever had. As they sprawled onto the floor, Greg quickly regained the upper hand and decided to deliver on his promise to kill him. He didn’t know how many times he hit him as he for once lost control before his mind went entirely blank.

Greg never even felt the crack of the cowboy boot as it crashed into the side of his head.

Chapter Ten

“I’m so sorry I lost your heels,” Delaney apologized for losing Amanda’s shoes.

“I don’t care about my heels, honey,” she replied as she sat down and stroked Delaney’s hair. “I’m just glad you are okay.”

“Thank God Greg was close by,” Delaney looked up at Amanda, calm enough to speak after taking a couple sleeping pills. “Where is he.”

“He’s just outside talking to Jack,” Amanda had to lie

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