Damaged Souls (Broken Man) - By Christopher Scott Page 0,28

and send me his mother’s number. Can you do that, Amanda.”

“I’ll send it to you in a second,” Amanda regained control as she realized he needed her. “Jack, are you okay.”

“I’m okay, don’t worry about me,” he reassured her. “I’m following the ambulance to the hospital, but I want to call and prepare Susan before I arrive. How is Delaney.”

“She’s doing better. I gave her a couple of sleeping pills and she is sleeping,” Amanda decided she should get back to Delaney. “I’m going to go check on her, but I’ll text you that number in a second. Jack, promise me you will be careful.”

“Don’t worry, Amanda. Just take care of Delaney and I will call you when I know something more. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Amanda replied as she realized he was gone.

* * *

“He has a concussion and a serious laceration that is going to require multiple stitches,” the doctor told Jack what he already knew as he again experienced the sickening feeling he had felt after finding Greg unconscious and bleeding on the floor. “But the good news is that he is conscious and talking.”

“Can I see him,” Jack asked, realizing his need to see Greg awake and alive.

“Not yet,” the doctor denied his request. “He is heavily medicated and about to go into x-ray. We also need to check for a possible skull fracture.”

“When will I be able to see him,” Jack altered his question, concerned about the possibility of a skull fracture.

“It will be about an hour,” the doctor replied as he looked at his watch and followed procedures. “Sir, are you family.”

“Not quite,” Jack said, unsure of how to reply.

“I understand,” he responded, oddly compassionate for a doctor. “It would probably be best for everyone if you contacted his family.”

“I’ll take care of it right away,” Jack replied as he realized he had forgotten about Greg’s mother. “But, do me a favor. I don’t care what it costs or what you have to do. You just take care of him, okay.”

“We are doing everything we can. Try not to worry, I will let you know when you can see him.”

“Thanks,” Jack replied and shook his hand before quickly heading to the exit.

* * *

Jack checked his dashboard clock as he turned into Greg’s neighborhood and saw it was 2:30. I wished she had answered the phone, he thought to himself and hoped Susan was sober enough to be of help.

I’ll carry her to the hospital if I have to, he decided as he pulled into the driveway and got out of his car. What am I going to tell her, he asked himself as he prepared to knock on the door.

No answer. She has to be home, Jack decided as he banged the door harder. Still no answer. “Wake the hell up,” he yelled to no one in particular as he practically knocked the door down with his fist and anticipated the problem he was facing.

“Who’s there,” Jack was relieved to hear a voice behind the door.

“Susan, it’s Jack Anderson. I need to talk to you.”

“What do you want.”

“I just need to talk to you. I tried to call.”

“What about.”

“Open the goddamn door,” Jack finally lost his patience.

Jack heard the door unlock and watched as it opened a crack and she poked her head into the opening. “What do you want.”

“Susan, let me in, I need to discuss something with you,” he repeated his request as calmly as possible.

“Fine,” she opened the door in time for Jack to see her stumble away.

Oh my god, Jack thought to himself as he entered the house and was shocked at what he saw. A half empty bottle of vodka sitting on the end table next to the couch where apparently she had passed out. An ashtray full of cigarette butts dangling precariously next to the remote. A once beautiful woman now unable to even stand up slumped on the couch.

“What do you want, and where is that son of mine,” she finally seemed to realize why he might be there.

“There’s been an accident,” Jack tried to be delicate. “Greg’s going to be okay, but he is in the hospital.”

Susan was slow in her reaction, seemingly unable to process this information in her state. “What kind of an accident.”

“He’s going to be okay,” Jack avoided the details. “But I need you to go to the hospital with me.”

“What kind of an accident,” she finally registered what was happening and started to cry. “Is Greg okay.”

“He’s going

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