Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,86

She swallowed. “Life without you is like a bad dream, and I don’t want those nightmares anymore. I want you. I want us to have a real shot.”

He wanted that, too. So badly.

Her gaze focused on his mouth. Her eyes gleamed. “Will you kiss me?”

Any fucking day of the week—

Her shoulders straightened. “I want you to kiss me.”

Cole blinked. “That sounds familiar.”

“Then you have a good memory. Because I once told you those same words. Before.”

Their night together. Before.

“To be crystal clear,” Evie told him, voice becoming husky. “It’s not because of adrenaline or confusion or because we locked up the bad guys. I want you to kiss me because I know how you taste, and I know I love that taste.”

Sweet mother of—

“I want you to kiss me because I love the way your mouth feels against mine. I want you to kiss me because I want you to lose your control.” She leaned toward him. Spread her hands over his chest, and he could feel the heat of her touch through the T-shirt that he wore. “I know you’re strong. I know you’re protective. I know you’re intense and passionate, and I know that no one else makes me feel the way that you do. No one else can.”

No one else had ever gotten to him the way she did.

“You’re the only lover I want, Cole.”

“Baby, you’ve been it for me since I first saw you.”

She pushed up onto her toes. “Then what are we waiting for? The rest of our lives—that part starts right now.”

Hell, yes, it did. He locked his hands around her waist. Lifted her up against him. Her lips were parted. Her mouth open and ready, and he kissed her. Kissed her tenderly at first, savoring her. Cherishing her. Worshipping Evie’s mouth.

Then the kiss became harder. His tongue thrust past her lips. He tasted. And he took. And she moaned against him and curled her arms around his neck.

Evie wants me. Evie loves me.

He knew he was one lucky sonofabitch. No one would ever take her away from him.

He carried her back into the bedroom. Stripped her clothes away. She stretched out on the bed, completely open to him. That was exactly how he wanted her. He took a moment to simply stare at her. He’d long ago memorized every curve and dip of her body. To him, she was pure perfection.

And perfection should be touched.

He leaned over her. Trailed his fingers up her abdomen. Up…to the tip of one pert breast.

Perfection should be kissed.

He bent his head. Took her nipple into his mouth. Licked and sucked. His cock shoved hard against the front of his jeans.

She moaned. Arched toward him.

He kissed his way to her other breast. Gave it the same attention as she called out his name. He loved her frantic little pants.

Cole kissed his way down her body. Slid his fingers between her legs. She felt so good. Wet and tight, and he stroked her over and over again.

Inside his head, Cole heard a voice roaring for him to take. To take and take. To own her. To claim her. To go wild with her.

But this time, he was going to be different. This time, he would treasure her. Because she was the person who mattered most.

She owns me. Has for so long.

He put his mouth between her legs. Her first orgasm came while he was licking her. Her whole body shuddered around him, and she screamed out his name. He liked her scream. Wanted to hear more. So he didn’t let her come down from the first wave of pleasure. He strummed her clit with his fingers, then he drove his tongue into her. He kept his touch careful. His mouth and his fingers. He gave her exactly what she wanted and what she needed.

He wanted to taste her second orgasm on his tongue.

And he wasn’t going to stop until he did.

A growl tore from him, but when his hands clamped around her hips and lifted her up, positioning her so that he could work her over and over with his mouth, he made sure his touch wasn’t too rough. He held back his strength. Kept his control.

He made sure she came again. She didn’t scream his name the second time. She moaned it.

Only then did he let her go. Only then did he strip and grab a condom. He rolled it on in record time. Only then did he—

Evie shoved him onto the bed. She straddled him. Rubbed her Copyright 2016 - 2024