Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,85

James wanted to know. His voice was so low that Cole knew Evie wouldn’t be able to hear his question.

“I think…” I want her safe. “I think I don’t have a lot of reasons to trust anything that either of those jackasses say. Stephen threatened Evie with a gun. They beat the hell out of Harrison.”

James nodded.

“But…” And that was it. The but part. “I’m not closing this case until I am one hundred percent sure Evie is safe. That means I want our intel group to keep digging. I want loose ends tied up. We still don’t know who killed Evie’s parents—”

“And we may never know.” Chase muttered gruffly. “I hate to say it, but it’s true. With the murder happening years ago, in a foreign country, and all the evidence basically gone—hell, finding the truth on that might be like finding a four-leaf clover on St. Patrick’s Day.”

It might be. “I never found the men who kidnapped Evie two years ago. I didn’t tie up those ends, and I worried about them coming back for her. Every single day, I thought about them.” He released a hard breath. “I have to be sure this is over. I need that.” For her.

For himself.

I can’t have Evie in danger.

“Glasses are ready!” Evie called.

The men headed to the bar. Popped the champagne, and though they wore grins for Evie—even Harvey had his half-smile in place—Cole could feel their tension.

They were all worried that they might have missed something. Someone.

And if they’d missed someone, would another attack be coming?

“Oh, God.” Chase shoved his champagne flute back on the bar. “That tastes like shit.”


“You didn’t think it was me.”

They were alone. The other Wilde agents had left, and Cole could finally say all the things to Evie that he needed to say. And, yes, the first thing out of his mouth was…

“When Stephen told you I was behind the attacks on you, you didn’t hesitate. You didn’t doubt me.”

She was on the couch with her legs tucked beneath her. She wore a pair of jogging shorts, a loose T-shirt, and no shoes. Her hair was pulled back and secured with a clip.

He’d didn’t think she’d ever looked more beautiful. Then again, every time he looked at her, he tended to have the same thought.

Maybe she just is more beautiful each time I see her.

Evie glanced up at him. “Of course, I didn’t think it was you.”

“But…the photos…”

“I told you that I saw you in Atlanta.”

He blinked.

“When I was at Piper’s gallery, when I went to get the second piece…” She waved her hand toward the wall. “I saw you, and I was glad to know that you were okay. Seeing you made me feel better.” Her lips pressed together, and he could see she was gathering her thoughts.

He wanted to go to her. To pull her into his arms. To hold tight.

That bastard had a gun on her.

But he didn’t move.

He’d been waiting on Evie for a very long time, and Cole thought that his wait might just be ending. There was no way he’d screw things up now.

She had to come to him. She had to make the choice.

“I wasn’t angry with you. Wait, I was, yes, obviously. I think you got that when you first knocked on my door again.” A ghost of a smile teased her lips. “But I also—I didn’t stop caring. When we were apart, I wanted to know you were safe. So when I spotted you in Atlanta, it felt good to see you.” Her hand pressed to her chest. “It ached here, but it also made me feel better.” She stared into his eyes. “I figured it might be the same way for you.”

“Nothing made the ache I feel for you any better.” Brutally honest. “I missed you every single day. It was like I’d left a part of my soul behind when I left.”

She sucked in a sharp breath, rose to her feet, and headed toward him with slow but certain steps.

He didn’t move.

“The case is over now,” she told him.

He wasn’t so sure.

“Are you planning to leave again?”

Hell, no. Leaving her wasn’t on any to-do list.

“Because, once, you told me that everything you and I had been through would be nothing more than a bad dream.”

His brow furrowed. “I said that shit?”

“Yes. After you saved me in LA, but before you left me at Harrison’s door. You said I’d go back to my life and it would be like everything was a bad dream.” Copyright 2016 - 2024