To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,106

as yer own.”

“Aye, I’ll think on ye words,” Ben said, catching his gaze.

“Ye are a true friend, and a man I’ll be forever indebted to, no matter what you do.”

Ben smirked, raising his goblet in salute. “Dinna forget it, lad.”

Aedan laughed as he left, closing the door behind him. He never would.

Chapter 24

The next day something odd was happening. After the initial summons into Aline’s room for the woman to rub the engagement in Abby’s face, a distance had sprung up between the betrothed couple. Certainly, it didn’t seem like Aline was seeking out Aedan for pre-marital sex. There was no flirting, hot glances. In fact, it looked like nothing could be further from their thoughts, if Aedan had ever thought along those lines in the first place.

And as Abby had asked, Aedan held up his end of the bargain and kept away from her. He spoke, of course, wished her good morning and good night, but other than that, they didn’t spend any time together. It was what she wanted, or certainly, what she needed, but it didn’t change the fact their separation, when being so close in a physical sense, hurt like hell.

She missed him…

Keeping away from him wasn’t easy, either, especially when she caught him watching her, his dark hooded eyes that sparked sin and beckoned her to jump into the shoes of “the other” woman all but called her over.

And she so wanted to go…


Abby bit into a chicken leg and listened to the idle talk between Gwen and Braxton. Tonight they were seated at the dais, Aedan and Aline quiet in the middle of the table, neither one venturing to speak to their clans or family seated beside them. Black Ben, seated out with the clansmen, seemed solemn as well.

Seated to one end, Abby knew she couldn’t let what she suspected was going on between the once close friends continue. Aedan and Ben were friends. What had happened on the day of her picnic should not ruin a lifelong friendship.

Especially when nothing had happened. She liked Ben. He was a nice guy, but he’d never turned her head. Only one Highlander had managed that, even if he was no longer hers.

Music commenced up on the gallery overlooking the hall and Gwen stood, holding her babe. “I’m retiring for the night, Abigail. It’s been a long day, and I’m not feeling up to dancing this eve.”

“Are ye okay?” Aedan turned to his sister, noting her distress. Their eyes met briefly and butterflies took flight in her stomach.

“Aye. I’m fine. Just tired. I’ll see you in the morn.”

“Good night.” Abby finished her wine, leaning back in her chair and watching as Braxton escorted his wife away. A smile lifted her lips at seeing how he doted on her. How lucky Gwen was to find love in a time when marriages were looked upon as a means for more power, land, or money.

Aedan’s and Aline’s a prime example.

Out of the corner of her eye, she heard Black Ben ask Aline to dance. They joined the other couples and for the first time, she noticed Aline letting her guard down and enjoying herself.

Aedan shifted to sit beside her and the pull of him, the need to turn and be wrapped up in his comforting embrace was a physical struggle to ignore.

She could feel the heat of his gaze on her face and she steadfastly refused to meet his eyes. He cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair.

“You’re ignoring me.” It wasn’t a question.

“Not really,” she said, flicking him a quick glance. “This will be easier if we stay away from each other.”

His hand moved down between them and stroked the underside of her arm. Shivers skittered across her skin and warmth pooled at her core. Abby swallowed, gathering her wits. “Don’t do that.”

“I miss ye.”

His deep, gravelly tone was almost enough to make her forget honor. “I miss you, as well, but missing each other doesn’t change anything.” Abby sat forward, pulling her arm out of his reach. She met his gaze and held it. “You made your choice. Now you must live with it.”

“My choice would’ve been different had I known Gwen’s alternative.” He leaned over the table, their shoulders bumping. “I love ye.”

“I know.” Abby looked out to the dance floor and caught Ben’s eye when he winked. What is he up to? “I’m retiring as well.” She turned to face him. “Maybe you and I weren’t meant to happen.”

“Yer talking pish. Had the Laird Copyright 2016 - 2024