To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,107

of Grant not returned to his holdings for a few days, our lives would be different. I promise I will fix this so we can be together.”

Abby stood, throwing her hands up in the air. “I don’t know what you want, Aedan. You’re betrothed to another. I’m not going to sleep with you. I’m not going to do anything with you, so leave me alone,” she whispered as loudly as she could.

He made a low growling noise before standing, knocking his chair over. Some of the clan looked to see what was going on and she pasted on a pleasant smile to ease their concern. She swallowed at the wild, untamed look in Aedan’s eyes as he pulled her to the side of the room. Large wooden pillars ran the length of the wall, giving them privacy.

He pinned her against the wall, the cold stone at her back firing her blood. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m going to tell the Laird of Grant that I’ll not marry his daughter, no matter if my words cause another clan battle. I’ll not live without ye. Now damn well kiss me, lass, one last time, in case he puts a sword through my gullet after my declaration.”

Abby placed her hand on his chest to stop him from advancing. She cursed her stupid body for wanting to do as he asked. The thought of his mouth on hers, to feel the delicious slide of his tongue against her own. She bit her lip, fighting the emotions he’d always sparked. Damn it. “Are you really going to break your betrothal with Aline?”

“Aye. There is no choice. I canna live without ye.”

“You’re the devil.” And Heaven all wrapped into one.

A slight smile lifted his lips. “Then jump into Hell with me.”

Her hand fisted about his shirt, pulling him against her. Their kiss wasn’t sweet, beckoning, tempting embrace, but an inferno that would make Lucifer proud.

He took her mouth hard, lips, teeth, tongue meshed, demanding, both trying to control the other. Abby moaned, her body after weeks of feeling lifeless, sparked to life with renewed energy. Her hand wrapped about his nape, the action pulling him fully against her.

His hardness pushed against her stomach, and her core thrummed with need. He pulled back, kissing her chin, her neck. “I choose you. I want you,” he whispered.

The words acted like a cold bucket of water. Abby stilled, pushing him out of her arms. “I think that’s a fair farewell kiss, until you do as you say.”

Pain flickered through his gaze, but he nodded, allowing her to go. “I will do as I say.” He bowed. “Good night, Abigail.”

Abby walked from the room, looking to see if anyone had seen them in the darkened alcove. No one seemed to be looking their way, and she couldn’t spot Ben or Aline. Guilt pierced her soul over her actions and tears pooled in her eyes. She’d promised not to touch him, but then he had said the most wonderful thing. He would be hers in only a matter of days. Or sooner, she hoped.

Chapter 25

Abby woke with a start at the sound of loud knocking on her door. For a moment, panic clutched at her stomach, thinking the O’Cains had returned, but the sound of Gwen’s excited voice on the other side of the door put all her fears to rest.

“Come in.” Gwen stormed into the room, shutting the door quickly behind her. “What’s going on?” Abby asked, rubbing her eyes.

“Ye will never guess what has occurred this morn. When the servant went in to wake Aline, all she found was a missive on her bed.” Gwen paused. “Her unslept-in bed…”

Abby narrowed her eyes, wondering where this was going. In her time, this sort of thing was common, certainly not the drama it seemed to be here, which was a sign of the times, she supposed. “So what did the note say?”

Gwen sat on her bed, grinning. “She’s run off with Black Ben. They’re to be married. The letter to her father, who’s expected to return today, explained her feelings had changed and that she no longer wanted to marry Aedan.”

Abby shut her mouth with a snap and tried not to smile, and with the thought of Aline out of the picture…she could have Aedan.

“Aline begged for forgiveness and wished everyone the very best in their life.”

“Where’s Aedan?”

“Breaking his fast downstairs.”

“Is he upset that Black Ben has done this?”

Gwen shrugged, seemingly taken aback by the question. “He dinna Copyright 2016 - 2024