To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,105

the door behind him. Ben sat before the fire, one eyebrow raised in amusement. “Come in.”

“You stay the hell away from Abigail. She’s not for you.” His friend laughed, and a red haze dropped over his vision. He’d kill him.

“And she’s not for ye, either, since you’ve decided to marry Aline.” Ben took a sip of mead. “Sit.”

Aedan slunk down in the opposite chair and swore, running a hand over his face, wishing he could undo his decisions of the past few months. “What am I going to do?”

“You’ll marry Aline, of course. What else can you do?”

Nothing… He gritted his teeth, wondering how fate could play such an unfair game with his life. “I didn’t think I’d ever see Abigail again. Had I even thought it was a possibility, I would’ve never signed an agreement with Clan Grant.”

“I sought out Gwen and she explained everything that’s happened here these last few weeks. I happened to run into Abigail. I didn’t seek her out, if ye were wondering.” Ben met his gaze square on. “She’s a friend and nothing more. No matter how bonny I think the lass, ye are my friend first and foremost.”

“Thank ye.” Aedan reached over to the little table before their feet and poured himself a cup of mead and took a sip. “When I saw—”

“Abigail kissing me you went into a rage? How are ye going to marry another when ye have such strong feelings toward the lass? The marriage will be a disaster. You’ll eventually despise Aline for being herself, and she’ll hate you for ruining her life. Ye canna go through with it.”

“To pull out now would cause another clan war, and I can’t do that to my people. We’re still healing after the battle with O’Cain.” But damn it he wanted to. To hell with everyone else’s expectations, the alliances—everything. He would go to war with everyone if it meant he could keep the woman he loved.

Ben cleared his throat, grinning. “I may have a solution.”

Aedan snapped his head up, willing to hear anything, if it meant he could possibly have Abigail back. “What is it?”

“I’ll seduce your betrothed. One night in my bed and she’ll not look in your direction again.”

“I canna ask for ye to do such a thing.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I cannot marry Aline. I will go to Laird Grant when he returns and declare my intentions. What will happen after that I do not know, but I’ll be prepared for anything.”

“My offer stands. You have saved my life more than once, ’tis time I repaid the debt. I’ll seduce the lass and she’ll never look in ye direction again.”

Aedan laughed. “You’re more ballsy than my male Highland heifers. What makes ye think she’ll fall into your bed so easily?”

Ben looked sheepish. “Let’s just say Aline Grant and I have some unfinished business from when we were staying here last.”

Aedan sat up. “You’ve seduced her already?”

“Nay.” Ben shook his head, frowning. “But after watching the woman and her viciousness, I was intrigued to know if she was always so vile. I found that she was not, not when kissed within an inch of her life, at least.”

For a moment speech was impossible, followed by a grain of hope. “Do ye want my permission?”

“It wouldn’t hurt. No one need know any of this, and think of it as a pre-wedding gift. Of course, ye know I’m speaking of your wedding with the delectable Abigail.”

“Dinna push our friendship, Ben,” Aedan said, only half joking. Delectable and Abigail were thoughts only he was allowed to have. To have the woman he loved more than life itself back in his arms, to feel her soft skin, smell her delicious scent, sent fire through his veins. “If ye seduce Aline, you’ll have to marry the lass. Are ye willing to do that?”

Ben shrugged, seemingly unfazed. “I need a wife, and although Aline seems verbally potent with most people, on her own she’s a different lass. I’ll keep her so occupied that she’ll never feel jaded with her life again.”

“High praise for yourself.” Aedan laughed. “I suppose I should apologize for earlier.”

“Aye, and so should I.”

Aedan stood. “Whether ye seduce the lass or not, I will be going to her father and telling him that the marriage will nay be going ahead. As much as I appreciate yer friendship and what ye are willing to do for me ’tis unnecessary. Do think on ye choice before ye take the lass Copyright 2016 - 2024