Come Hot (Club Silken #2) - Jerrie Alexander Page 0,17

to me. I’ll do it for you.”

“Not asking for help. Just informing management.” She stands and walks to the door. “I’m glad you found somebody.”

Before I could respond, Beth is gone. I open the filing cabinet and pull out her log to read. She keeps immaculate records and receipts. I lean back in my chair. I’m not sure how long I’ve been sitting here but I can’t remember one word I read.

Kayla’s taken over my thoughts. She’s been in possession of them since she shed that skin of proper behavior she exhibited at the wedding rehearsal and morphed into a ball of fire on the dance floor. With a body made for sin and an ass perfect to hold onto, if she’d given me a green light, I would’ve taken her home with me and fucked her all night.

I invite her to lunch tomorrow via text. Probably not smart because it gives her the chance to say no without feeling pressured. Kayla knows who I am and how I live. She’s either in or not. I stuff my cell in my pocket and go mingle with the customers.

The crowd grows as the night draws on, to the point we’re turning people away at the door. My sleeves are rolled up, and I’m helping the barback by refilling some of the items needed to make certain drinks. I enjoy pitching in when things get crazy, and tonight sure qualifies. It’s a great way to make sure customers are happy. Bonus, I can turn down requests to have a drink or to dance.

I pass a drink to one of the waitresses for delivery when the overhead lights come on, letting the crowd know we’re closing. The band performs their last song of the night while over the next fifteen minutes the lights will get brighter until the interior of the club is fully illuminated.

Beth steps inside from where she’s been out front helping the doorman. She chooses the closest bar stool to sit on. “Holy shit.” She laughs. “I think I need a raise.”

“Okay,” I say casually knowing she’s not expecting that answer. “Don’t you think you should assume the official title of boss? I’ll be at Silken for the next month, and you shoulder the responsibilities without checking with me all the time.”

“You’re serious?” Her face is lit up and her smile is huge.

“Let’s discuss this further.” I start rolling down my sleeves. “Unless you have plans.”

“You’re not getting out of this offer that easy.” Hopping off the stool she walks straight to the end of the bar where I’m standing.

“Seriously, you deserve a raise since you handle most of the responsibilities anyway. If I show up, I’ll pitch in and help if you need me, but, from now on, you’re in charge.” Shit, I think she’s going to cry, but she doesn’t.

“Thank you. You won’t regret it.”

“Good. I’ll type something up tomorrow.”

“Deal.” She extends her hand and we shake on it.

“Now get out of here,” I say sternly. “I’ll close up.” Beth is nothing but a blur, grabbing her purse and walking to the door. She looks over her shoulder just before stepping outside and gives me a nod.

“Congratulations and good night, boss.” My voice carries and I wonder how many employees heard? Well, they’ll know soon enough.

After the club is clean and locked down tight, I walk to my car, slide into the seat, and remember I haven’t heard from Kayla. Has she tried to contact me? If she doesn’t want to see me, I’ll respect her wishes. The engine idles softly as I check for a text and find a couple but nothing from her. I guess that’s plain enough. I drive onto the freeway and try to convince myself it’s as it should be.

I slap at the nightstand, locate the damn thing, and answer. “What?”

I fucking died when I hit the sheets last night. I’m in damn good shape but working Saturday night behind the bar kicked my ass. My plan to sleep all day and then enjoy a night at Club Silken is interrupted by the ringing of my cell.

“Nick? Did I wake you?”

She doesn’t have to tell me who’s calling. I know her voice. I push myself up in bed. “It’s fine. What time is it?”

“A few minutes after nine. I’m returning your text. I’m sorry I didn’t answer last night. While breaking down boxes and carrying them out to the recycling bin, I lost my phone. I just now located it under my couch Copyright 2016 - 2024