Come Hot (Club Silken #2) - Jerrie Alexander Page 0,16

the big bad wolf?”

Zack glanced at Slider and both stared at me. “You do have a bit of a reputation.” Zack shrugged.

“Are we going to discuss last night’s receipts? If you two didn’t do so hot, I get you don’t want to tell me.”

“Fuck off,” Slider said with a laugh.

The meeting settled down as we discussed Friday night’s business. All the clubs have been performing past expectations and last night was no exception. My concentration isn’t what it should be and I have to ask them to repeat themselves. I relax a little when Slider leaves as soon as we finish.

“So, you had a bigger crowd than usual at Gloss last night?” Zack asked. “The bathroom remodel went over with the ladies?”

“Yes.” I decide there’s no reason not to tell him the truth. “Kayla enjoyed herself.”

“Chels didn’t care for it?”

“She didn’t go with us. I thought Kayla could use some fun. She was tense as hell during the rehearsal.”

A shit-eating grin spread across Zack’s face. “Exactly how did you ease her tension?”

“I danced her ass off.” I remember her ass almost brushing against my cock and then riding my thigh today. Fuck. I’m hard again.

“That’s all you did?”

“I didn’t paddle her ass or make her crawl across the floor if that’s what you’re asking.”

“You just danced? Who the fuck are you?” Zack shakes his head. “Did you talk to her about your lifestyle?”

I shake my head. “She’s not ready for Silken, but she said yes to Gloss. We had a great time.”


“I helped her move this morning. If this goes any further, I’ll be honest with her. We both know I’m not changing.”

“I got lucky with Morgan, maybe you’ll do the same.”

“Don’t compare me with how you and Morgan fell in love and are going to live happily ever after. I’m not looking for marriage. That’s something Kayla will have to understand.”

“If you need me, I’ll be at Gloss.”

“Are you taking Kayla out again?”

“Fuck yes.”

I think about what to say to her on my way to the parking garage and inside my car. I fasten my safety belt and drive back to my apartment. I dress in black slacks and a white shirt, and a pair of comfortable shoes. Tonight’s my night to work at Gloss. The crew likes it when I jump in and help. Just because my storage units made me rich, I still like having the respect of my workers.

Friday night Gloss was packed, and tonight is going to be crazy. I try to always be in the house when certain bands are playing. The parking lot has a few cars scattered about, and I park in my spot and go inside. The darkness is abrupt, but my eyes adjust quickly and then it’s not so hard to see.

I’m proud of Gloss. It’s stylish as hell with its extra-long bar, polished to a shine. The dance floor is larger than most and the booths and chairs are covered in real leather. Part of my crew is here wiping them down and running the polisher over the dance floor.

I walk to my office and close the door, thankful I’d thought far enough ahead to soundproof the room. It’s hard to do business with the volume of the music when this place starts rocking. The knock on my door tells me Beth Hargrove, the best manager in town, has arrived for work. I buzz the button that unlocks the door and she walks inside.

“You’re here early.” She strides across the room, her hips swaying with each step. “Did you enjoy being a guest last night?”

“You’re fishing.” I’m not sure when or why my personal life became so interesting. I smile as she eases herself onto a chair. Beth might not be the size of our bouncers, but I’ve seen her handle unruly customers. Even before one of our bouncers arrives, she usually has the situation in hand.

“So? You looked hot on the dance floor. More than one woman stopped me to comment. They’re very interested in you.”

I laugh at her. “So now you’re pimping me out?”

“From what I witnessed between you and your date, whom you failed to introduce to me, the lady has taken you off the market.”

“At least temporarily. Now, did you come in here for a reason other than invading my private life?”

“Just to tell you I fired Jilly last night. She doesn’t know it yet, but no shows with a reason get a couple of chances. She’s had three without one.”

“If she shows, send her Copyright 2016 - 2024