Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,89


My drenched tank is pulled over my head and as his hands find my skin, everything comes to life within me. I need his touch more than I need to breathe.

Colton’s lips come back to mine and we desperately peel each other out of our remaining clothes. We listen to the heavy rush of water spraying against our skin and the sound of our wet clothes dropping onto the shower floor while becoming lost to our most basic urges.

Without another thought, I jump up into his arms, wrapping my legs around him as his arm curls around my waist, holding me steady against the shower wall. I feel his hard, veiny cock at my entrance and without hesitation, he slams it deep within me.

My eyes roll to the back of my head. I don’t know how fucking long I’ve been craving that, needing it with every part of my being. “Holy shit,” I pant as a low, drawn-out “fucccck,” pulls from deep within his chest.

My arms curl around his neck, holding myself up as I don’t doubt this is about to be a wild ride, one that I don’t want to fall off of. Colton’s fingers dig into my waist and I’m damn sure that it’s going to bruise but I welcome it with wide, open arms. I’d give anything to feel everything that he’s got.

He starts to move, drawing himself back out of me before sliding back in. I groan low in the back of my throat, getting used to his incredible size as he fills me to the brim. He seats himself balls-deep inside me and it's as though he was made just for me. It’s so fucking right. Denying this for so damn long should be a crime.

His lips come back to mine as he pulls back again, a little faster now, really starting to give us both what we’ve been needing since the day I first walked in here.

Colton fucks me deep, hard, and wild, sending my world into a complete tailspin. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no prude. I've slept with my fair share of men, but I didn’t know it could be like this. It was incredible with Nic, but this is new level shit. Maybe it’s the intensity that comes along with it or maybe it’s just Colton, but all I know is that I’ve died and gone to heaven because nothing is better than this moment right now.

Colton holds on to me, refusing to let me go. His body pressed up against mine and completely consuming me.

I feel that familiar tingle building inside of me, burning and growing with need and I know this is going to be explosive. Hell, the library has nothing on this. Colton moves like a fucking God and damn it, I’m so close to getting on my hands and knees and worshipping him like one.

Flames burst within me and I hold onto him, claiming everything I possibly can. He gives it to me just how I need it, as if reading my body like a book, satisfying every burning desire within me until stars are blurring my vision.

Colton’s hand lowers to my ass, grabbing hold and squeezing firmly as his other slips between our bodies and wreaks havoc on my clit.

In. Out. In. Out. It’s fucking torture.

His low groan in my ear sends chills sweeping through my body as his heated skin against mine drives me to insanity. I love it—every little thing. The smell of his body, the feel of his touch, the sound of his need. I want everything he has to offer, and damn it, he gives it all to me.

My orgasm builds until I physically can’t hold onto it any longer and everything shatters within me. Stars dance behind my eyes and I’m filled with euphoria. My nails dig into his sun-kissed skin and my head falls to his shoulder. “Fuck, Colton,” I groan as my orgasm completely overwhelms me.

Colton keeps moving, letting me ride it out as I clench down around him but all too soon, he tears out of me. The need to scream pulses through me as he comes hard which is when I realize that we didn’t use a condom. Hell, I didn’t even think about it in my desperation to feel him inside of me.

His rapid breaths slowly begin to return to normal as he holds me up in his arms. “Fuck, Jade.”

My head falls back against the tiles and I meet his heated stare. “You can say Copyright 2016 - 2024