Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,88

where I thought I was going to have it all. One day where he treated me the way I’ve always wanted him to. Maybe I’m overthinking this whole thing.

Colton breaks through the rain and when he finally pushes through the door, he doesn’t drop my ass in the closest chair like I’d assumed he would. He keeps his hand over my ass, holding me steady as he silently makes his way through the house. I’m not fooled though, his silence isn’t him being calm, it's him biting his tongue and forcing himself not to say what he really wants to say.

“Where are you taking me, dickhead?” I demand, banging my fist against his back, desperately trying to break his silence, knowing damn well that when he does, he won’t be able to hold back. The words are going to spill from his mouth and they’re going to be exactly what I need to get all fired up. Maybe relaxing wasn’t what I needed after all, maybe I just really need to scream and let it all out. Fuck, that would be fun. Nothing gets me hotter than screaming at Colton Carrington and putting him in his place.

His hand slaps down over my ass and fury burns within me. “Let me go.”


A battle cry tears from the back of my throat and I lose my shit, slamming my hands down over him and trying to wriggle free, only his hold tightens and I’m locked over his shoulder. His hold is unbreakable and it’s as though he’s physically strapped me down, that is until he races up the stairs and slams through his bedroom door.

He walks right into his bathroom and as he steps through to his shower, he grabs hold of me, pulling me off his shoulder and flipping me the right way up. My back is slammed against the tiles and he holds me still as his other hand twists the taps, sending water shooting down over both of us.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I demand, but as the hot water slams down over my skin, it becomes startlingly clear just how fucking cold I am. The water is warm but feels as though it’s burning my skin. I try to break free, but he holds me there, his eyes filled with an intensity that I’ve never seen before. He's filled with anger, but there’s also something else … something that I’m not quite sure of.

The water quickly begins to warm me and I feel myself desperately needing more—more heat, more anger, more of him.

Tears well up in my eyes, surprising the ever-loving shit out of me as an emotional overload begins to rock through me.

What the hell is this? What’s happening?

Colton just stares, watching me go through whatever the hell this is. He steps into me and my walls instantly shoot up, fearlessly trying to protect myself. My hand slams out, pressing against his chest and forcing him to keep a distance, but he grabs it and pushes it aside, relentless as he grows nearer.

His hand flies to the back of my neck and within the blink of an eye, his warm lips are pressing down on mine. I kiss him back for all of three seconds before my senses come back to me. “No,” I demand, pushing against his chest.

Colton shakes his head, his eyes wild with need, ignoring my pleas as though he knows what I need more than I could ever understand. His thumb rubs up and down my cold cheek and he moves back into me, this time not allowing me the chance to pull away.

His lips come down on mine and my will power breaks as I melt into him. His large body presses mine against the cold tiles but I don't even notice it, all that matters are his lips on mine, completely devouring me and somehow making me forget the torturous world around me.

Need slams through me and suddenly he’s not the guy who rejected me at the party, he’s not the guy who’s been driving me to the edge of insanity, but he’s the one who could offer a release. He could give me exactly what I need and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stop.

I grab the hem of his shirt and tear it over his head, desperate to feel his skin beneath my fingers. He's so fucking warm—warmer than what is humanly possible. He’s superhuman, always filled with perfection, always so much more than what I was Copyright 2016 - 2024