Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,90

that again,” I murmur, still panting from the rollercoaster of a ride he just took me on.

A smirk pulls at his lips just moments before they’re back on mine and once again, I find myself melting into him. He pulls me off the confines of the shower tiles and holds me under the warm water. “I can’t say that I was expecting that,” I rumble as we finally pull away from each other.

“Well, you better expect it from now on because I plan on doing that over and over again. Fuck the bullshit rules. I don’t want to hold back from you anymore.”

I pull back a little more, feeling myself beginning to sober. “You mean that?”

“Which part?”

“The over and over again part? You and I both know that come tomorrow you’ll happily put the rules back in place, but the over and over again part, if you’re just fucking with me, that’s really going to suck.”

“I’m not fucking with you, Jade.”

“Good, because it's one thing to push me away altogether, but it's another expecting me to be here for a good fucking time whenever you don't have an audience.”

“So,” he says, putting me back on my feet and holding onto me as my legs continue to shake. His arm slips around my waist and he pulls me in tight. “Are you saying that we have no other issues?”

“You’d be a fool to assume we had no other issues,” I tell him. “There are some things a good fuck can’t fix, Colton, but you’re certainly heading in the right direction.”

His brow arches as my hands roam over his strong shoulders. “Really?” he questions, reaching around me and turning off the water. “So, you’re saying that if I were to take you to my bed and do that all over again …?”

“That I’d consider forgiving you for the party.”

“Just consider, huh?” I nod and his lips press into a flat line. “And what about everything else?”

“Everything else is going to have to come with time,” I tell him truthfully. “But stepping up and being the kind of man who shamelessly goes after what he wants, well that’s the kind of thing a woman won’t be able to resist.”

“Well then,” he says, lifting me once again. “I think I have a few things to make up for.”

Colton steps out of the shower, taking me with him and before a laugh can slip between my lips, he’s throwing me down on his bed and coming down on top of me with a promise not to stop until he’s earned every ounce of my forgiveness.

Chapter 20

My hands press against Colton’s chest as I stare down at him, desperately trying to catch my breath as his cock remains seated deep within me. What is it about being on top of a guy that always seems to make it plunge so much deeper? I could feel him in my throat for most of that, though luckily we remembered to wrap it up before I sank down onto it.

“I could get used to this,” I tell him.

A wide grin splits across his face and it blows me the fuck away. It’s absolutely breathtaking. If I had a camera right now, I’d be taking a photo to make sure this moment lasts forever.

Colton catches my hand and pulls me down beside him until I’m curled into his side with my head against his wide chest. Contentment settles over me. I’m fucking home. I’ve never had this feeling with anyone, not even Nic, but with Colton, it just feels so damn right.

I wonder if he feels the same …

Does this mean something to him like it does to me, or is this his last shot at making Daddy Warbucks roll over in his grave? God knows that Charles would never approve of me and Colton together and all of Bellevue Springs would agree with him, apart from maybe Charlie but that’s probably because he was hoping for the same thing himself.

Colton’s hand starts rubbing up and down my bare back and all those ridiculous thoughts fade from my mind. This has to be real. It feels so right, how could it not be? “You’re not running,” I comment, all too used to his usual routine of scrambling away from me anytime he gets too close.

“I’m not,” he tells me. “Not anymore. The last few days with you pissed at me have sucked. I hated not being able to just kiss you whenever the fuck I wanted.”

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