Charmed: A Masters and Mercenar - Lexi Blake Page 0,9

in and plunging deep. Showing her what he wanted to do with his dick.

She felt his hands moving from her neck down to her torso, one palm cupping her breast through her shirt. Her nipples peaked, getting hard and sensitive, and she wished there wasn’t all that fabric between them. He pressed her against the wall and she let her hands roam across his muscled back and down to his ass, which was equally muscled. This man worked. Not merely worked out. He worked. It was there in the calluses on his fingers, which deliciously scraped along her skin. She loved the feel of those work-roughened hands smoothing back her blouse, exposing her to his eyes.

She got lost in his kisses. Drugged by the way the man couldn’t seem to get enough. Over and over he kissed her, pulling her lower lip between his teeth and giving her a gentle nip that went straight to her pussy.

She needed more. More of him. More of his touch, more contact between them, more connection. She needed to get out of her skirt and blouse and show herself to him, see if he could handle what she needed.

His hands tugged at her skirt and she found herself pinned against the wall. His leg moved between hers.

“I want to watch you. I don’t know that I’ll be able to later,” he growled against her ear. “Later, I’ll be too far gone, so I want to watch you this once.”

“Watch me?” She wasn’t sure what he was doing, but he was even closer to her than before, their bodies in intimate contact.

“Watch you come.” He moved and she was on his strong thigh, her toes barely touching the ground.

Her skirt was pushed up around her waist and she could feel the denim of his jeans starting to grind against her. The thin cotton of her underwear was absolutely no protection against the friction he was creating. But they were in the hall and she was off balance.

“Don’t tense up.” His voice had gone deep, commanding. “I’ve got you. I’m not going to let you fall, and I want you to stop worrying about anyone seeing us. It doesn’t matter. Trust me. Come for me.”

He was taking control in a way that did it for her. Even before she’d worked at The Garden, she’d known this was what she’d needed sexually. There was no backstory that had sent her looking for a dominant partner. That was something a lot of romance novels did get wrong. Oh, she knew some people who came to the lifestyle that way, but not the majority. It was simply how she was wired. She accepted it about herself, and that made it so easy to let him take control.

She relaxed and moved against him, matching the way he rubbed her, holding on to his shoulders as he found a rhythm. It didn’t matter that her pussy was wet, her arousal likely seeping into the fabric of his jeans. It didn’t matter that the lift doors could open at any minute. All that mattered was the heat and pleasure starting to build in her system.

“That’s right. Take it. I want you to have it because I fully intend to be inside you the next time you come,” he said. “We’re going to go into my room and you’re going to take off every stitch of clothing and offer yourself to me. You’re going to be mine all night long.”

She couldn’t think of anything else she wanted to be. His. All night. For a single night she didn’t have to worry about the mistakes of the past or what she might do with her future. All that would matter was letting this man bring her pleasure, finding joy in bringing him some, too.

Sandra had been so right. She needed this. It was a night off from more than work. It was a night off from being the martyr she’d become. With JT she didn’t have to be the woman who’d fucked up her whole career. She could be nothing more than a partner in bliss.

He pressed up, and the pressure that had been building exploded in the best of all ways. She held on to him, looking him in the eyes as she took everything he gave her.

It was one of the most intimate experiences of her life.

“That’s what I wanted.” JT eased her down until her feet were on the floor. But not for long. He almost immediately leaned over and picked Copyright 2016 - 2024