Charmed: A Masters and Mercenar - Lexi Blake Page 0,8

the hero would almost certainly kiss the heroine. He might press her against the wall and devour her. He might whisper all the things he’s thinking of doing to her.”

His eyes were on her mouth, as though he was thinking about doing exactly that. “Doing to her? What should I do to you, Nina? Should I take off your clothes? Should I unwrap you like the gift you are, taking my time because this is a present I didn’t expect to get tonight? Should I unbutton that shirt you’re wearing slowly, using every sense I have to catalog how gorgeous you are? Yes, I think that sounds like the way to go. I’ll do it first by touch.”

She was breathless as his fingers moved to unbutton the top two buttons of her blouse, brushing the skin he found there. He eased the sides back until he could see the tops of her breasts, a slight bit of her bra showing. She was damn glad she’d dressed for dinner with Sandra. She’d thought seriously about going the jeans and T-shirt route but at the last minute had wanted to look somewhat professional. A nice blouse meant a lacy bra.

“Soft, but then I knew your skin would feel like silk,” he said, his voice deep.

A shiver of pure desire went through her and at that moment she wouldn’t have cared if they’d been on the busiest floor in the building. He was all that mattered.

“After I’ve touched, I’ll use my eyes to memorize the sight of you.” He was staring down at the tops of her breasts. “You’re beautiful.” He reached out to trace the puckered scar that sat above her breast. “This is recent. Are you all right?”

It had been a couple of months since she’d taken a bullet from a German working against his country’s best interests. Another corporate spy. “I mentioned I work for a security company in London. It was work related, but I’m fine. I don’t want to talk about it, JT. Could we not?”

He seemed to want to press her, but he finally lowered his head. “Doesn’t matter how you got it. It’s part of you and still oddly lovely.”

He gently kissed the scarred flesh. It seemed to come alive under his lips.

She brought her hands up to touch his arms, running from his elbows up to those shoulders that went on for days. It had been far too long since she’d had sex. That was why her whole body was a live wire waiting to go off. It wasn’t merely the fact that JT seemed to know exactly how to touch her, the words to say to make her skin soften, the muscles loosening and readying.

“I’ll use my lips,” he continued. “I think that’s what the hero would do. He would use his lips and tongue and teeth to explore.”

He was going to drive her crazy. She was ready to get on her knees and submit to the man, if she didn’t think that might freak him out. She would tell him that he should definitely use his teeth on her because she liked a bite of pain. Yes, she wasn’t going there tonight. “He would definitely kiss me. I mean the heroine.”

He lifted his head and brought his lips up to hover over hers. So close that she could feel the heat coming off him. “Would he? Would he put his mouth over hers and devour her like the starving man he is? Would he steal her breath? Would he plunge his tongue in like he’s thinking of something else?”

Like his cock. “Yes. He would do all those things.”

“See, I’m thinking I should read some of those books now. Much more pleasant than the ones I end up reading. No one ever kisses in engineering manuals. It’s a mistake, I think.” He lowered his head and brushed his lips along her mouth. “I’m supposed to know how to make things work, how to ease a machine this way or that so we get the best production out of it. All I want to do right now is find a way to make you melt for me.”

He kissed her again, deeper this time, his tongue sliding along the seams of her lips, and she did exactly what he wanted. She melted, opening her mouth and letting him in. She felt his body move in as though he meant to capture every inch of territory she ceded to him. His tongue slid along hers, drawing her Copyright 2016 - 2024