Charmed: A Masters and Mercenar - Lexi Blake Page 0,10

her up like she weighed nothing at all. Her shoe fell off, but he turned anyway. “I’ll get it for you later, Cinderella. Now it’s my time.”

She didn’t care about the shoe. The shoe could get lost. All that mattered was more of him.

* * * *

His dick was dying, but it would have to wait because if there was one thing JT knew, it was that he wasn’t going to let this woman get away from him. She was fascinating and he wanted to spend time getting to know her, seeing if they could work. Suddenly the mission he had to go on seemed more like a blessing than a curse.

Except she didn’t know she was going on the mission with him. She didn’t know his father had to stay home and her primary contact was now him.

He glanced down at the woman in his arms as he managed to get the door to the suite open. She looked happy and languid, her hair mussed and lips slightly swollen from his kisses.

He’d put that look on her face. He had zero doubt she would be competent in the field. She would command a team while she was working, and he planned on letting her call all the shots on this op. He would be her way in, arm candy so to speak, but when they were alone, it would be his time and he would be in charge. He would indulge her on every level, learn what she liked and give it to her, but in the bedroom, she would obey him.

That was how he would keep her. Give her more pleasure and attention than any other man had ever given her. They would have a couple of weeks before she went back to London. A few weeks to show her how it might be between the two of them. A try-out affair to see if they had a future.

“This place is gorgeous. Was that a pool table?”

Actually, it was, and it might be perfect for what he wanted to do to her. They would eventually make it to the bedroom, but that pool table was the right height. He turned and strode back. “This is a massive suite for one man, but it was a last-minute thing. I’ve got a meeting tomorrow afternoon that I hadn’t counted on. This was the easiest place for me to stay. Usually we put up executives and their families here.”

“What business is your father in?”

He shook his head. He wasn’t going to have her put on her investigator hat tonight. She’d find out soon enough in the morning. “Nope. No business talk tonight. You didn’t want to talk about work. Neither do I.”

He didn’t want to lose her. He knew damn well why she’d wanted to come up to his room instead of going to hers. She was a smart lady who wanted an out if she needed one. He didn’t intend to give her a reason to leave.

He set her on the edge of the pool table, her legs dangling off. It was dark but he didn’t want to turn on the lights. The staff had been in for turndown service, but he’d stayed here enough to know the best way to illuminate this particular room. It might also get her mind off what he did for a living. He walked to the window and pulled open the drapes, letting the lights of the city wash the room in color.

She gasped and a smile crossed her face. Not a sexy smile, though he still found her sexy. No, this was a smile of wonder. He moved to the second window and opened those floor-to-ceiling drapes and let the night in.

“Wow. That’s beautiful.” She slipped off the pool table. Her skirt had slid back down her thighs and she’d kicked off her other shoe. Her hair had come down around her shoulders. She hadn’t bothered to rebutton her shirt, so he could see a creamy expanse of skin as she joined him by the windows. A light rain streaked the glass and the world seemed softer than it had before he’d walked into that bar.

She was the beautiful one. While she looked out over the neon city, he watched her. With her shoes off, she would fit perfectly right under his chin as he cuddled her close. If she danced with him, she could easily lay her head against his chest while they swayed to the music.

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