This Changes Everything by Jennifer Ashley Page 0,14

might not even notice.


I know it has to end sometime. I don’t want it to. I’ve never been with a guy like Zach. Not that I’m Ms. Experience, or anything, but I’ve had a couple of boyfriends in my time. However, none like Zach.

Zach proves he knows how to make me feel good, and he puts effort into it. He doesn’t expect me to lie flat so he can feel great and walk away. No, he takes his time, touching me, bringing my body to life.

Zach is good at bed talk too. I don’t know if what he says is rehearsed, but it sounds sincere.

You know you’re the most beautiful woman I ever saw, right?

I love the taste of you. I can’t get enough.

I never realized before how hot a guy’s tongue on my ankles would be.

We lay back in exhaustion after the third time making love. My throat is scratchy, my limbs tired, my body wonderfully loose.

“We’re going to have to go downstairs soon,” I say glumly. “Someone will come looking for us.”

“One of my nosy brothers, probably.” Zach stretches, rippling his muscles in a good way. “I should head them off.”

Still we lie on the bed, reluctant to let this go. What we’ve had might never happen again, and we know it.

“There’s this restaurant.” Zach speaks offhandedly, like he has a passing thought and decides to voice it. “Mason’s. On Sixteenth Street just south of Thomas. Kind of a hidden gem.”

“Yeah?” I wait in anticipation.

He pauses, studying my face. I wonder what he’s looking for and do my best to be interested, but not desperate. A good balance between I’d like to see you again, and This was fun. If we never have anything again, this was good.

I’m not sure I manage it.

“You should try it sometime,” Zach finishes. “You know, if you ever pry yourself out of the East Valley.”

“I do leave it. On occasion. For a very good reason.”

We watch each other again. I’m not sure what he wants me to say, if anything. “Maybe … uh.” I choke on the word, wet my lips.

Zach waits, tense. “Maybe what?”

“Maybe we could meet there sometime.”

Okay. I said it. Ball’s in his court. Could be that’s what he wanted.

Zach nods, as though I’ve spoken something profound. “Yeah. Maybe we could.”

There’s some relief between us now. We want to see each other again. On some unspecified day in the future. This one-night-stand might expand into another one.

Someday. Maybe.


When I finally make my way back to my own room, ready for a shower, shave, and change of clothes, I run straight into Ben.

Ben and I are the middle kids. Neither of us have the importance of the oldest son or the adorability factor of the youngest. Austin soaks it up like a brat.

Ben and me stick together—usually. Today, my shy younger brother gives me the biggest knowing grin I’ve ever witnessed on him.

“Oh, man.” Ben leans against the nearest wall in the hallway, arm over his stomach. “You look like you’ve been hit by a truck, but really, really enjoyed it.”

I’m on him in a heartbeat, my fist around his shirt. “Don’t you say a word. I don’t care if you make fun of me, but I don’t want her upset. Understand?”

“Got it.” Ben pats my arm, fondly. “Your secret is safe with me.” He makes the motion of a zipper over his mouth.

“Thank you.” I release him and smooth the T-shirt I’ve wrinkled, then head for my room.

Behind me comes muffled laughter. “Bro,” Ben says softly. “You have glitter in your hair.”

For some reason, this makes me insanely happy.

Once I reach my room I shower, dress, and pack up my few things. I hurry to the lobby to check out, but I linger there in case Abby comes down. When she does, I can talk to her again, maybe take her to breakfast.

Except, she never shows. As I pretend to thoroughly read all the newspapers under the sunny skylight, a couple more of the bridesmaids appear. One is Brooke Marsh, who has a bad history with Austin. He and Brooke went out for a while and now they loathe each other. I noticed they kept a wary distance from each other all through the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, the wedding, and the reception.

I move toward Brooke, casually, as though simply returning my last newspaper to the table where I found it. This takes me close to her as she fumbles in her purse.

Brooke is stunning, and I understand why Austin Copyright 2016 - 2024