This Changes Everything by Jennifer Ashley Page 0,15

chased her in the first place. She has black hair she streaks with red, an arresting face, dark skin, and eyes of deep brown. She makes anything she puts on look good, including the bicycle shorts and baggy T-shirt she wears this morning.

For all Brooke’s beauty, my only interest in her today is that she and Abby are very good friends.

“Morning,” Brooke says to me, giving me her sunny smile. “A McLaughlin brother I actually want to speak to.”

I feign surprise. “Has Ben been talking trash to you? I’ll kick his ass.”

She laughs. “Poor Ben. He has to get over his too-nice disease. He lets himself be taken advantage of.”

“Tell me about it. I rescue him all the time.” I clear my throat. “So, how’s it going?”

Brooke’s smile grows wider, her beauty putting everyone else in the room to shame. Austin is an idiot.

“I know why you’re sweet-talking me, Zach. Abby left already. She said she has a work project she has to finish before she goes in tomorrow. Aw.” Brooke softens in sympathy as my face falls. “You don’t look near as happy to see me now.”

“Oh. Sorry. I just …”

“I know what you just. You and Abby …” Brooke scans me, dark brows arched. “Yeah, I can see it. I don’t mind helping you—you’re not Austin.” She digs her phone from her purse. “At least there are three good McLaughlin brothers.”

“Austin’s not so bad.” I defend him—he’s my brother, right?

“Yes, he is.” Brooke skims her thumb down her phone and starts typing. “I’m texting you Abby’s number. Leave her be today, because she really is behind on her project, but in a few days, ask her out. Like a normal person.”

“You mean instead of prying intel from her friends?”

Brooke hits Send, and my phone buzzes. I glance at the number and then save it to my contacts, but I don’t really need to. I’ve already absorbed it, memorized it. The most important number on the planet.

“Exactly.” Brooke’s smile fades, and she gives me a stern look. “And you could have just asked me. Abby isn’t going out with anyone at the moment. I mean, she was, but he’s a dweeb, so good riddance.”

“Thank you.” I must appear pathetically grateful because Brooke smiles again and pats my arm.

“Happy to help.”

“But seriously, how are you doing?” I ask. “Everything good with you? I’m not just a jerk trying to get Abby’s number—I want to know.”

“I’m fine. Really. I have a great life, a good job, lots of friends. Not seeing anyone and don’t want to. My girlfriends and I are going on a trip together this summer—ladies only. Looking forward to it.”

Her eyes hold defiance, as though she wants me to tell Austin when I see him that her life is perfect without him.

“His loss,” I say. “Take care, Brooke. You’re awesome.”

“You’re such a sweetheart.” Brooke enfolds me in a warm hug. I get a kiss on the cheek as well. “Good luck,” she says as she pulls away. “Abby deserves some fun. She works way too hard.”

“She’s not going on the trip with you?”

“We asked her, but she can’t get the time off—Abby works for a total jerk. We set something up with her for later.” Brooke’s expression turns warning. “You be nice to her. Or a whole bunch of people will be on your ass. All right?”

“I know. One of them is now my sister-in-law.”

“Yep. So be careful.”

I clutch my phone like it’s made of gold. “I will. See you, Brooke.”

“See you around, Zach. Give Ben a kiss for me.”

“Bleh. No. I’ll just tell him you said hi.”

She laughs, and to the merry sound, I quit the hotel. I load my bag into my pickup and let it roar to life. I sit for a time, looking at Abby’s number on my phone, before I lay the phone gently aside and drive away.


It’s Monday, and I’m suffocating in cubical hell. I spent all day Sunday and well into Sunday night trying to finish my presentation with a hangover and seriously distracted by thoughts of Zach McLaughlin. All that is making for a terrible morning today.

I want to bask. I want to sit and remember Zach touching me and kissing me, and the wonderful feel of him inside me. I recall the sense of completion I’ve never experienced in my life. I want to draw that to me, wrap my arms around it, not let it go.

Plus I just want to think about Zach. His eyes, his smile, his Copyright 2016 - 2024