This Changes Everything by Jennifer Ashley Page 0,13

be gone? Did she take her luggage and run? Leaving me to hobble back to my room, hungover, unwashed, doing the walk of shame?

I turn my head … and there she is. The most beautiful woman in the world, gazing back at me.

She flushes a pretty red. “Morning.”


Silence. We stare at each other a few moments, as though neither of us wants to break the magic. Real life is out there, but it’s far away. The routine of showers, breakfast, checking the news, checking email, dealing with work problems … it’s hovering, remote, not a part of this place and time.

The relief she’s still here smacks me hard. Abby shows no shock that we actually slept together or that she wants any excuse to get away from me.

We keep looking at each other, each waiting for the other to start. Or stop.

Abby touches my cheek. I feel her tickle my unshaved whiskers as though she likes them.

“What do we do now?” she asks softly.

My cock is already hard and waiting. “I know what I want to do.”

A tiny smile, hope. “What’s that?”

“Brush my teeth.” I slide my hand over my mouth. It can’t be good, my breath, not after a night of whisky, champagne, piña coladas, wine and all the yelling I did while having sex.

Her smile deepens. “No problem. There’s an extra toothbrush in the bathroom, in my toiletries bag. In the package, I mean. Never used.”

I flood with happiness, because I won’t have to leave her yet, then my eyes narrow. “Wait, why did you bring an extra toothbrush?”

“In case I drop mine in the toilet.” Abby shrugs. “It happens. Hotel bathrooms can be tricky.”

I burst out laughing. In time, I remember to turn my head and not blast her with morning breath. “Be right back.”

I roll out of bed, my feet bouncing on the floor. I feel light, effervescent, which I shouldn’t. I should be hung over and sick. Why aren’t I?

Because I had the best sex of my life last night, that’s why. The rush of it probably burned out all the alcohol.

Abby wolf whistles. I turn around. “What?”

“You have a great ass, McLaughlin. You know that?”

“Aw.” I shake it for her. “Nothing compared to yours.”

Abby props herself on her elbow. “Have you been checking out my ass?”

“Yep. If you can ogle me, I’m doing it right back.”

“Okay.” Abby gives me a slow once over, making my body hotter than my back yard in July.

I hate to leave her, but I really want to meet that toothbrush.

I find it in her toiletries bag—with compartments and everything tidy, unlike my just-throw-it-in jumble. By the time I have the toothbrush out, coated with toothpaste and in my mouth, Abby is with me, doing the same thing.

I never thought brushing teeth would be sexy. But it is. Naked, side-by-side, the mirror reflecting two people with messed up hair, brushing furiously. Abby’s breasts move, and I get lost watching them.

I have a sudden thought—what would it be like to be with her every day? Go through the whole deal—shower, emails, dealing with problems, coming home to talk about everything with Abby?

I have never in my life pictured this. Now it slams me in the face like a cream pie in a slapstick routine.

I freeze, stunned, but the vision doesn’t go away. Abby continues brushing then rinses her mouth and hangs up the toothbrush. She gives me a puzzled glance, wondering why the hell I’m standing there with the toothbrush sticking out of my mouth.

I quickly finish up, rinse and spit, taking the towel she offers me.

Before she can ask what I want to do next, I throw the towel to the counter, slide another condom out of the box, put my arm around her, and take her back to bed. The sheets are still warm, the perfect nest for me to lower her into before I lick her all over. I do mean all over. Every inch. Some inches I linger on more than others.

Then she does me. Her tongue drives me insane. What she can do with her mouth … holy fuck.

I can’t take it. I roll on the condom in record time then wrap myself around her and make love to her, hard and fast. We’re laughing, panting, and yelling as we both come.

I hope like hell I remembered to put the do-not-disturb sign on the door. If a maid decides to come in to do the cleaning, she’ll sure get an eyeful. And the two of us Copyright 2016 - 2024